Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Festivities

I've missed writing--- it forces me to find moments to sit down and reflect on the ups and downs of my day, to put into words what this life is about.

I am content this morning.

Sufjan Stevens Christmas album keeping me company, the windows open letting in the sight chill of the morning, coffee in my favorite mug that just joined us from the attic...

Mike has a man-day planned, meaning I have a lot of time to fill until a Christmas soiree tonight at la casa de Kristin. There are Christmas presents to finish, farmer's markets to visit, and a house to clean in preparation for my sweet sister and parentals' visit.

Soda bottles filled with knick-knacks make excellent presents! And they're fun to receive in the mail. Not that I've ever received one... just making an assumption. 

Time to go be productive. Or maybe I'll have another cup of coffee...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh fall.

It's here it's here! 

As if Florida knew it had to step up it's game, this morning's change in weather promised a perfect fall season that I hope makes its full appearance some time soon. I'm loafing on the porch while Diego points his nose to the wind and breathes in the different air... Trumpet musics floats this way from a student pracicing down the street and a beer has been consumed and I. Am. Content. 

Last night I couldn't sleep. My mind would not shut down the impending selling of all things and eventual move. I really have to focus on not freaking out because in my heart I know that it will be taken care of, but my mind starts churning and I start feeling overwhelmed-- that's not a place I want to be. Life is crazy and unpredictable but oh my sweet Lord are we making the right decision by selling everything now and moving out and will the right renters be provided or do we take a hit an short sale and what about all our stuff will we be able to sell it for a decent price and Diego?

 Too much to think about. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Changes are coming. And I'm torn as to what to do.

On the one hand, I love my house. I love what we've built here; the painstaking time decorating, the fact that it's finally come together. The toys, the yard, the neighbors and friends. On the other hand, it's just stuff. Stuff that will be replaced one day. A house that I never intended to stay in more than five years anyways. 

This weekend I spent a lot of time mulling over the logistics of what is to come. Here are the options:

1. Move now to Jax. Sell everything now and move into a furnished apartment.

2. Don't move. Sell everything when the date is finalized. 

Benefits for choice #1- less stress when it's closer to moving time... more time to find renters, have garage sales, etc. Save $ with lower rent vs. mortgage & gas (less driving to Jax to hang out.) 

Downfalls- What if, for some reason, this whole thing doesn't go through? And it's sad parting with everything. I know it's just stuff, and I claim to not care, but I'm finding that maybe I care. Just a little. 

Benefits for choice #2- Safer. In case this doesn't happen. Less sadness now (more later, lol.) One less move, and less work finding an apartment that will offer a 6-month lease. With a mammoth of a dog. 

Downfalls: What if it's time to leave and we haven't found renters? What if Diego can't come wherever we're going, and I need to drive him to Annie? I don't want to have to worry about the house when I'm about to leave the country. 

Whew. Had to get it all out.

But I know that God is for us and not against us, and He will work things out how they're supposed to be. We're commanded not to worry, so I won't! Or at least I'll try not to:) 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Soliloquies

Saturdays are sacred here in the Checchia household.
It takes a lot to convince me to get out of bed or leave the house on these mornings;it may not seem that exciting, but Saturdays like this re-charge me. I may accomplish something, I might not. Today I cleaned a little, and took pictures of everything so we can start the moving out/selling everything process. (EEK!) We watched some football. Walked Diego.

This post is boring and mellow because, well, that's just the day. 

Diego feels the same way we do.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

tiny literature fairies

This picture from my walk with Diego pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today. 
Full of life & vibrant colors,
a "the-sky's-the-limit" kind of mentality.
The air begets change. 
(And a word like 'begets' comes out of nowhere; did I even use that correctly?) 

The reason:
My most challenging student who can barely sit still for 30 seconds
For a full ten minutes.
proceeded to tell the class (without my direction) that the book he's reading is "really good" and then he talked about it for 3 minutes.
Even though he didn't raise his hand and just kind of verbally vomited into 
the empty space of the classroom
I was frozen in place as I watched something take place in this child's face
as his peers listened to him in silence. 
And it wasn't because he was telling a joke or making fun of someone. 
It was because he had something valuable to say. 
And then, other students started talking about how they liked their own books.
(This was the class that left me in tears two weeks ago, and I'm not talking about tears of joy...)

Tiny literature fairies flitted about the room playing songs of joy on their minuscule golden violins. 
To have this kind of breakthrough in week 4? 
Well, we have some work to do and I'm convinced it's going to be the
best year yet

Monday, September 10, 2012

Football Season

It's back! 
I've been counting down the days.
(Well, not really.)
What's there not to love about making a 
big ol' breakfast after waking up late
on a Saturday morning,
plopping down on the couch and waiting for 
Lee Corso to make his pick? 
Or having an excuse to pound tailgating food 
like it's your job and
to wash it down with an 
ice cold beverage of choice (or maybe 4?)
There's nothing like wearing orange and blue
with pride (even if they're expected 
to have a sub-par season) 
especially when you're
in a custom's line in Portugal and you hear 
"Go Gators" from the family two rows ahead.
and it's even know to go out
and pretend that you care even the slightest bit
about the Jags
if it means more food, icy cold beverages,
and good company.

Even Diego gets into a game once in a while...

This post was brought to you by a porch drinking session with myself
while the hubs does manual labor in the waning sunlight. The air outside promises chilly weather to come, even if it will be two more months. At least the mugginess has taken a break for the time being. 

Oh, and remember this little guy?

Yeah. I planted it in the ground. It's a mammoth tree now and it's all up in the grill. Literally. But we have papayas!

Friday, September 7, 2012

it was a good day

My heart is full from this day, so much so that I found myself moved to tears while soaking it all in. 

It started with my littles in the library... one of my major goals as an english teacher is to hook my reluctant readers on books. So when I look out at a library full of my kids, and they're all ACTUALLY reading?! I feel a certain sense of accomplishment.

Fast forward to the end of the day-- a sweet, timid girl who has the voice of a tiny baby bird and is so shy she can barely look you in the eyes lingered after class, sheepishly smiled at me and said, 
"Mrs. Checchia, why are you so happy all the time?"
It was the first time I'd ever seen her face lit up.
I laughed and told her that life was too precious to not be happy all the time... and I probably drink too much coffee (but I REALLY wanted to tell her that my joy is solely because of God's grace in my life but alas, not able to do so! :) Her comment meant so much... and solidified my purpose and reasoning for being back at our school, lovin' on my kiddos. 

And finally, an impromptu Gainesville trip to help my sister-in-law with the next phase of her life!
Cheers to new beginnings, tiny apartments and no source of income. 
Send some prayers her way for a job and a bit of direction :) 

I couldn't help but drive by the pink house on the way home, and as I did so a wave of nostalgia hit me full force as I thought about how it wasn't that long ago we were in college trying to figure out life. Well, I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I've found it's not as carefree as the Pink House days with its Justin Timberlake dance parties and roomie sleepovers... hanging out with Michael late into the night but sending him home because he wasn't allowed to sleep over... hurricane parties and living with sisters and walking down to the park to swing...
oh college life. I took you for granted. 

God provided a changing kaleidoscope of colors to entertain me on the drive home... windows down and Fleet Foxes blaring. 

Life is good today. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And we're back.

Hmm, I dunno. Just needed a break, I suppose.
And life took over, with school starting and whatnot.

I interrupted a lovely friend's class today to bring her manna from heaven (a.k.a. boston cream cupcakes that I slaved over last night) and she stopped what she was doing to tell her sweet 6th graders how cool I am. As they looked up at me with bright-eyed wonder plastered on their faces, I thought, "Dang. I AM pretty cool." Anyways, she asked if anyone had a question for me, and I received a few, "What do you teach?" and "What's Odyssey of the Mind?"

But one strapping young girl asked, "Do you like to write?"

I hesitated and started to answer, "Why of course, young, impressionable sweet girl."

But then Della called me out and said to be honest... and the honest answer was, "Currently, only if I'm blogging!"

And as a result; a post. (I'm sure everyone has given up on this by now, but I'll start back up, maybe.)

While I could revisit the joys of teaching and the first couple weeks of school, the tears already shed and the mini-celebrations over fantastic poems written by students, I'll hold off. It's my dang fifth year of teaching; go look at one of my other posts from the first week of school from previous years and I'm sure it'll be the same.

Instead, I'll praise the man who has my heart:

(First date! I snicker every time I see this picture...)

We talked about high school over dinner tonight with his parentals and it filled my heart with joy... our shared history, the past adventures and ones to come. I'm a lucky girl and am so proud to call this guy my husband.

I have good feelings about this year. It's gonna be epic. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This is me right now:

Absolutely perfect beach day this morning. The water was just right, the sun shining just-so, and the company splendid. I ran some errands which included loading my truck to the brim with mulch. Unfortunately it's raining and the mulching will not get done today (oh darn) so I guess I'll have to drive around with the fragrance of Christmas trees for a couple of days. No worries. 

Knowing that the return to real-life looms just around the corner (Friday!!) it's like I'm preparing for hibernation. Except I won't be sleeping for months; I'm storing away rest and relaxation and the opportunity to do absolutely nothing if that's what I darn well feel like doing. I've been like this for the past couple of weeks, actually. Not quite productive, but not a lazy sloth either. I've worked out quite a bit, read lots, and tackled a few projects here and there. But I've also slept in. And sat on the couch. And gone to the beach.

Well, I'm ready, I suppose. This is going to be the best year yet, because I sure as heck am NOT going to allow myself to fall into abysmal despair like last year. So what? It's just a job. And a job I am going to pour my heart and soul into this year. 

And with that proclamation, I am going to get out of bed now and do something with myself. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life musings part 2

I love to travel.

Did you know that?

Why am I the way that I am? Where did this itch to explore stem from? My childhood vacations were spent in Seattle, returning home to our extended family or on Florida road trips camping and the like. My dad has never been out of the country; Granny barely made it out of Florida.

Maybe part of the desire to GO was instilled in my soul from a dear family friend who treated my sister and I as one of her many grandchildren. Each Christmas and birthday, she gave us gifts from whatever country she had visited that year, usually with a picture or accompanying explanation. I was always intrigued by the places she visited... Maybe this is where my interest was piqued to begin with? Then there were rare stories told by my mom of her youthful days spent traveling Europe, and a phenomenal Spanish teacher who infused our lessons with applicable knowledge of other cultures.

My first trip was right after graduation with our Spanish classes, to England, France and Spain. There were two types of people in this group... Those who were hesitant to try new things... Who found comfort in frequenting McDonald's and complained about "not another museum!" And then there were those who snuck away from the group as much as possible. Fortunately I found myself in the latter. I left the group to explore the louvre by myself, finding myself move at random works by artists I've never heard of. I snuck away to explore the grounds of a castle in France, chancing upon what I dubbed a "secret garden" of sorts that still sticks out in my memory. With a friend, we left to climb down to stand next to the waves crashing on the rocks on the coast of France... And again in Barcelona, figuring out the bus system to lay out at the beach (no one technically told us we couldn't leave Las Ramblas...)

I love people. I love to hear their life stories, how their cultures differ from my own. I am so thankful for the opportunities that have presented themselves in order for me to experience even a minuscule portion of this world. My hope is for God to use the "gifts" so to speak, that make me, well, me, both here at home and abroad.

Life musings

On a flight to Seattle, sitting next to a sweet couple who shared they've been married for 53 years and are about to embark on an Alaskan cruise together. The lady to my right just pounded her second margarita.

And I, two days after returning home from a phenomenal vacay, hopped right back onto a plane to spend the next two weeks with my sister gallivanting through the woods and various breweries.
My mind is in such a sweet place; rather than anxiety over the big move, I'm at peace for this next phase of life. Filled with excitement and hope that God is preparing the perfect place for Michael and I. My prayer is for our relationships with the Lord and each other would grow during this time, that we would throw ourselves into making the most out of the months ahead. This chapter is ending, and who knows what's in store for the future? I'll take each day, one at a time, and fill it with only joyful things. Thats the goal, at least. I'll have the best school year yet and love on my coworkers and students recklessly. I'll create an extensive Goodbye For Now, Florida bucket list and try my best to check them all off. I won't worry about what's going to happen to the house and the dog and will I be able to work where we are going and how can I possibly function without the proximity of my family and friends and will I hate where we are going will there be air conditioning will I contract food borne illnesses and what if it's smelly and dirty and impoverished and will I make new friends and was this the right decision after all??

Simply going to live in the moment.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sweet littles

My sister and her family decided to come spend the week with us in st auggie. We had such a fun time... And I certainly ate my weight in junk food. Not good seeing as I'm leaving the country tomorrow and am planning on eating my way through the next two weeks...

So much for weight watchers.

But anyways, so glad to have spent the time with my sweet littles. They were a blast!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kristin and Rachel's Day of Fun

On a whim we decided to trek to Gainesville to float down the Ichetucknee and eat lunch at Satchel's. These are two of my favorite things to do in life. Mike would argue that I say everything is my favorite, but this REALLY is. The Itchmetouchme is serene-- we were a little chilly because it was overcast but it was worth it.

And Satchel's? Ohhhhh Satchel's...

I would quit my job and work there or move into the van. Or eat it everyday. There's nothing like it... I ordered an extra pizza for leftovers and slapped a Satchel's bumper sticker on the truck. Real classy.

As for this weekend, my older sister Tanya and her family are staying. We are celebrating my mom's bday as well as father's day, and Lynn Johnson was gracious enough to book her condo for us for the weekend. On the beach. What what?

So fun!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sweet words

When school is in session, I tend to neglect the most important role that I should be nurturing the most. Stress and hopelessness and feeling like nothing I do matters should challenge me to pursue Christ harder, to figure out the 'why' behind my life, yet I usually allow my mind to be swallowed up in self-pity and the monotony of life. 

And then summer arrives. 

There's something so sweet about starting my days off quietly journaling and contemplating life, so to speak. I'm able to take a step back and catch a mere glimpse of how God sees me, whole and complete and so worthy to live out this life that He's blessed me with. My devo this morning (PS-- it's "Jesus Calling." I have NEVER found a devotional that I've actually liked, but this one is phenomenal. I think it was written for me...) began and ended with:

I am creating something new in you: a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' lives... Enjoy my Presence, which permeates you with Love, Joy and Peace. 

I was so moved by these words! I've always made it a goal to find joy in the little things and to let negativity roll off, but this year I lost that. I allowed myself to become judgmental, prideful, angry... but I'm already finding myself being healed from the hurt of last year and able to look forward to next year. That last day of school-I was done. Ready for a new school, career, whatever to get me out of the place I was in. But, I'm already feeling hope for this new year, that what I do at that school DOES matter, that God has given me a unique calling to bring his Joy to middle schoolers. As soon as it got rough, I was ready to bail... but what if this next year is different? What if I spend this summer with God, building up strength and endurance and delve myself whole heartedly into this next year with His purpose in mind? I believe this next year could be the best yet. 

I'll leave you with scripture the scripture that prompted this post:

Galatians 5:22-26 (The Message)

What happens when we live God's way?
     He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard- things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
     Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way. Among those who belong to Christ, everything connected with getting our own way and mindlessly responding to what everyone else calls necessities is killed off for good- crucified.
     Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in or hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. 

     Diego and his BFF Bandit playing at the beach. D's still knocked-out exhausted. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lackadaisical days

Yesterday was one of my favorite kinds of days. You might argue that I say every day is my favorite day, but I especially loves ones with no pressing agenda in mind and a mile-long to-do list. Okay, maybe not a mile long or particularly important (skinny jeans, turquoise earrings and wedges for Europe? Check!) but tasks to complete nonetheless.

It was a perfect start to a perfect summer. And mind you, this type of errand-running bliss can only be achieved when it doesn't matter what the heck you do that day, or the next for that matter. I would not be able to find joy in this manner during the school year on a weekend, or even a day off. It must be done lackadaisically (I had to look up the spelling of that one) and solely in the summer. It cannot be paired with other important things to do, like cleaning or doctor's appointments. And you cannot plan it in advance. I will now give you a glimpse into the best kind of day, a la Rachel style:

7:30- Wake up because husband's alarm is going off every 5 minutes with obnoxious piano song. BUT the best days do start early so you can pack in more.

8:30- Drop hubby off at work. Freedom starts. (You might be wondering why I didn't just drive my own car. Well, I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to die while driving on 95 in the hurricane-type weather we've been experiencing, thus, the truck has been lying dormant at Carlos's apartment in Jacksonville since Friday.)

8:45- Arrive at beach. Forgot bathing suit, but was not deterred. Went for a walk and found sweet shells to mail to Annie.

9:30- Went to Starbucks to read devotional. Journaled for a while, then listened intently to a couple's break-up fight two tables over.

11:00- Meandered over to Office Depot to spend teacher gift card I never used. Bought 20 felt pens in all colors which made me deliriously happy.

11:45- World Market. Just because I love World Market so much. Found gifts for mom's bday.

12:30- Publix sub!! Ate it slowly in the parking lot.

1:00- Old Navy. New skinny jeans, shirt, pjs.

1:30- DSW, which is NOT usually a place I would choose to go to on a fun errand day. But I braved it and came out successfully with a pair of cute wedges.

2:00- Met up with sweet Danielle at Starbucks. Went to Pottery Barn, Anthro, and American Eagle (sandals and jewelry)

3:30- Target, of course. Held back from purchasing everything, finished off Mom's gift.

4:00- Barnes and Noble for my favorite pastime-- reading travel books in preparation for next week's journey!

5:30- Dinner with the boys (Cruisers for loaded fries... mmmmmmmmm....)

7:00- Church for art jam! PS art stresses me out.

AAAAAAND I"m sure everyone stopped reading this hours ago but that's what the perfect day looks like. Now it's on to the beach with the puppers and an afternoon of cleaning in anticipation of the littles coming this weekend!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 8, 2012

back porch musings

It's only officially day one of summer, and I already feel like a new person.
Quiet time on the porch spent in prayer and scripture has filled me with a sea of hope.
This season will be riddled with adventure; I'm giddy like a small child going to Disney for the first time!
It's unreal... Spain, Holland, Poland... Seattle to see Annie-- my older sister and kiddos staying at the house, new babies to celebrate, birthdays, theme parks... I'm so excited for what's in store!

I felt God quietly speaking to my heart this morning to love on people this summer--
 to "be available to my family," which I read somewhere in Psalms (but can't find it now..) 
While school's in, it's a challenge to 'be available.' I'm busy. And tired. And terrible remembering birthdays and celebrations, which I'm totally convicted of. 
I didn't make time for my sweet Younglife girls this year, some of them going through tumultuous situations and me being 'too busy' to listen. 

So this summer, I'll be available. 

I'll make the time to hang out with the girls- to reconnect with friends- to send cards-
to love my hubby-to serve at church. 

And now it's time to run errands, my favorite! (Seriously) 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


In no particular order:

- Hang two frames on the wall. The ones that have been sitting in the garage since circa 1999.

- Donate blood.

- Pick blueberries somewhere.

-Eat at Satchel's.

- Float down Ginnie Springs. Maybe combined with Satchel's.

- Exercise. Maybe.

-Read lots of books, but definitely "Bloom," "IQ84," "Games of Thrones" and at least one or two classic lit books.

- Watch "Steel Magnolias," because I'm tired of people saying, "You haven't seen Steel Magnolias?!"

- St. Aug beach farmer's market

-Go to Sea World, THEN watch "The Cove" and never go to Sea World again.

-Add people's birthdays to my phone so I'll stop forgetting

- send at least one card to someone per week.

- visit Cheree in Orlando

-Float all day in the pool with the other Checchia's and Diego

-Hang up the hammock on the porch

- paddle board with Michael

-find a new place for bagels (Schmagels isn't cutting it anymore....bummer)

- Reconnect with Wyldlife (now Younglife) girls--- specifically, one sleepover, a couple beach days, or just hanging out.

- send care packages

- go to Six Flags in Atlanta and hang out with Amy and Paul

-Thoroughly clean the car, just once.

- Buy wedges. and wear them.

-Buy cool Christmas presents for people while traveling (!!)

-Go to Street Corner Ministry on a Saturday morning

-Go to a Hollybrook birthday party

-Go with Carlos to the soup kitchen

-Maybe a little ambitious, but I would LOVE to camp up in Bryson City where we used to go with youth group... go to Sliding Rock, Deep Creek and white water rafting!

-Why not throw in a girl's trip with momma?

-mulch the front yard. ugh, gotta do this.

- Babysit for friends' babies. For "birth control" purposes :)

-make a tshirt quilt. MAYBE. but probably not.

-Buy produce from the stands up the street.

*Note- this is a working document. I'll be updating it as summer progresses :)

The end.

The most challenging year for teachers has come to a close-
Two months to recharge, for there'd be no way we could do what we do
without a summer's respite. 
We spend the year pouring our souls into students 
guiding them like lighthouses into adulthood
pointing them in the right direction
sometimes being a mother
or a coach
or an advocate
or just someone to listen 
They might not appreciate us now
but hopefully will one day remember us with fondness
as "That teacher who actually cared about me." 
or "That class I actually enjoyed because she made it meaningful." 

Rules change as education revolves around
scores and data and making progress,
rather than growing the child as a whole. 
It's easy to lose heart and give up.
(I'm pretty sure I've given up once or twice already...)
But sweet friends at school were always there to listen
when there were tears of frustration
or potty-mouth words
and of course, moments filled with joy 

I pray that this summer we would find the courage
to start over next year, to forget about this one and 
remember it only with fondness
the year that we built relationships with each other,
the year we truly connected with our students ,
the year we laughed until we cried at lunch,
the year we had Friday dance parties because we made it another week.

I know my life has changed for the better-
I've grown closer to God than I've been in a long time,
for when life gets challenging, I draw nearer to Him. 

Enjoy your summer, dear friends.
Milk it for all it's worth--
fill it with readingsleepingchildrenbeachpuppiestraveling
I'll be on the porch reading all summer, so you know where to find me
and as my momma says,
I'll see ya'll in the funny papers 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Adult prom is where it's at! Although why were we the only ones to dress up? Who knows. But everyone who DIDN'T dress up certainly missed out on all the fun. 
We also crowned ourselves king and queen of the prom. 

We also rock climbed before that night. 

10 things I learned or rediscovered as a result of this weekend:

1. I'm getting older. Rockclimbing + dancing for hours = still sore two days later.

2. I love to dance. Even though I stink.

3. Marigolds make fantastic corsages, and I'm pretty sweet at making them. 

4. I love dressing up after seeking ridiculous treasures at thrift stores.

5. The sketchier the thrift store, the better. 

6. I stink at rock climbing. 

7. One of my top accomplishments in life was getting voted princess of the dance in 10th grade. I almost wore my crown to adult prom but didn't want to make the other prom goers jealous.

8. My husband looks hot in a bow tie and seersucker.

9. Sisqo created excellent dancing songs circa 1998 that will never be topped.

10. I have really great friends. That I didn't rediscover. That's just worthy of a top ten list of cool things. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Seattle Bound

I'll be here in July!

It's where my heart is. 
(And my sister.)
I can't wait-- it's been too long--
And we'll keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Chex gets to join me as well...
But that will only happen if he's offered a certain job...
And this means I'll pretty much be gone for at least half of this summer...
Just how I like it. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To my dear teacher friends,

I've spent a lot of this year in griping-mode, and for that I'm genuinely sorry. How much time spent complaining to my sweet teacher friends could have instead been filled with joyful conversations, or words of encouragement? Why haven't I been able to be the 'better person' and not even bring up reasons to complain in the first time, knowing it will snowball into the same exchange of words meant to invoke hopelessness and pit us against each other? Needless to say, I've grown a lot this year. I'm on the verge of making a life change, whatever the heck that entails. Even if it's a small life-change, as simple as refusing to let situations out of my control hinder my ability to  find joy.

To my dear teacher friends, even as I sit here typing I keep erasing and rewriting the words that I truly want to say to you all but can't quite get it right. You all mean the world to me-- in a year that was full of dark, life-sucking moments, we still somehow found a way to  latch on to snippets of joy and run with it. Lunch room conversations, those stolen moments of laughter in between the halls of 'You want to hear what was just said to me?!' celebrations of new life and weddings and job promotions, shining moments of "That lesson ROCKED! You have to try this!" or "Holy cow that was a flop--- quick, how can I fix it next period?" And, although rare, seeing each other outside of school and just being ourselves-- so worth the memories made.

It's been a complete and utter blessing to start off my teaching career surrounded by such phenomenal individuals. I'm inspired daily by your creativity and willingness to serve your students in such unique ways, and especially your openness to share what works in your classrooms.

Wherever life leads each one of us, I'll choose to look back on this year with fondness simply because (for the most part!) we chose to seek happiness and laughter instead of flushing our souls down the toilet I love you all dearly!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Extra Coffee

I'm at school. The kiddos are taking finals.
It's silent. Raining. I brought extra coffee. 

I should be grading.
I should be figuring out what to do next period.
I should be clearing my desk of clutter, because right now I have a small space for my computer and that's about it.
Did I mention I should be grading?


I am dreaming of summer.
I am planning a baby shower.
I am catching up on blogs.
I am looking at flights to Seattle.
I am motivated to "lose 6 pounds and 11 inches in two weeks!" (
I am recovering from the weekend. 


On another note, encouraged by this morning's sweet devotion:

"Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful." And as much as I groan about working/cleaning/not being about to predict the future, I AM thankful for this sweet life and all its ridiculous-ness... For where this life has brought Michael and me, and the hope of our future callings together. For friends that fill my life with joy, for nearby family. Florida sunshine. An incredible church. Two months off, and a looming European vaycay. 

I was also moved by this scripture from Colossians:

2:6-7 My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Heck yes to that!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Favorite Moments

This morning's devotional was a call to focus on the 'treasures' that God embeds within your day. 
In the midst of everything going on with school, future plans, and frisky middle schoolers, 
I knew a change of perspective was necessary.
I don't know if today was filled with more treasures than usual, or if I was simply 'rewarded' for taking my focus off of worries and irritations... but God delivered. My day was full of joy that canceled out the fact that my students have gone insane and are planning a mutiny against me. 

My sweet moments:
--I saw an old, dear friend (Mr. Nick!) who was visiting our school. Our encounter, while only limited to a hug as I quickly ran out to grab copies in the middle of class, made my heart so happy!

--The most wonderful teacher was honored in a surprise retirement party today. Our faces were in pain from laughing so hard as we shared ridiculous stories of how this woman has touched our lives-- gave me the warm fuzzes that we were all together as a 'family' ... new babies, old friends.... lesson plans and stress forgotten as the year closes out... 

--The student I've been tutoring was given his 'dream' today by an awesome local organization-- his family is being sent on an Alaskan cruise! Our school was so sweet in donating and raising money to help pay for the trip. It was a blessing to witness.

This tree-- I've never been able to capture the heart that the trees make! But can you see it? Makes me smile on my drive home to work every day. 

Kinda gross, but kind of cool-- tiny baby caterpillars have shown up twice. And they are very hungry-- but I removed them to the woods and away from the tomatoes. 

Sunsets are always a welcomed treasure in my book. And this one was particularly lovely. 

Other favorite moments?

*A much-needed conversation with Annie, despite her calling back 20 min. later when she realized a dog had gotten into the yard where she's housesitting and had killed all the chickens... ("There's dead bodies strewn about the yard!! What do I doooo???!!")

*Consuming the best peanut butter ball EVER. Seriously. I almost died it was so good. 

*Connecting with one of my challenging classes over "The Outsiders" and being AMAZED at the connections that they made 

*My porch lights that I debated over for 20 minutes in Target. Well worth it.

Let's hope for more of the same tomorrow and especially the three-day weekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A poem

I am sovereign over your circumstances
Humble yourself under my mighty hand
 Rejoice(!) in what I am doing in your life now
Though it's beyond your understanding
You have everyone you need in Me for this life
 and the one yet to come
The ultimate challenge is to
 Fix your eyes on Me
No matter what
 For when I'm central
You see things from My perspective

 (today's devotion in "Jesus Calling" summed up in a poem)

 I've found that the more time I spend with God, the more He speaks to my heart through scripture and this sweet little book I'm working through. Imagine that-- you mean, the more time i spend with someone the more I get to know that person? It ain't rocket science, but seriously, what the heck have I been doing my whole life? Lately I've been consumed with dreaming about the next phase of life; I feel the Lord is telling me to slow it down, to only concern myself with each day, one step at a time. I'm not stressing about next year, but I am honestly thinking a lot about it, and that's not where my focus should be. Right now in this season of life it should be on intimacy with my Father. The rest will take care of itself in His perfect timing.

 The scripture for my devo today was 1 Peter 5:6-7 (the Message) Be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you, he will promote you in the right time. Live carefree before God- he is most careful with you!

 Okay God,you have my full attention :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

on a Sunday night

My view from my side of the bed on a Sunday night? The hubs picking out the perfect suit/tie combo as he prepares for his interview. (Charcoal suit, red tie? Gray suit, blue tie? Throw in some yellow for kicks. Went with red power tie.) Let's keep our fingers crossed, and most importantly send some prayers right on up to the Big Guy. It may be time for a life change... regardless of whether or not this interview brings about the opportunities we hope for. Lots of thinking' to do...

Summer is looming just around the corner.
I've got a new pep in my step-- waking up a little earlier, making lunch the night before, exercising.
I wish this kind of motivation hit earlier in the year, but I suppose it comes in waves; the end is near, I can tackle anything now.

Like this burger:
Yep. We found a great new-to-us restaurant called "Gas" in St. Auggie beach. Ginormous jalapeƱo-stuffed burger, philly cheesesteak empanadas, tasty drinks... yes, yes, and yes. 

The rest of the weekend was spent in joyful celebration of... well... it being the weekend, I suppose. 
We ate, we played games, and some of us bet on horses and won big money.

It was a blessing to be home this weekend-- we've been traveling so much that I was thankful for the little things, like a lazy Friday night, just the two of us, early bedtime, waking up late, church, Sunday Funday... and looking forward to more of the same this weekend!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chahlston, dahling

We meet again, Charleston. And so soon.
This time, to celebrate Ben gettin' hitched.
It was a beautiful day, the company grand....

Joanna seems perfect for Ben...

... and then the camera died.

But the rest of the weekend was filled with fun and good eats and good friends we haven't seen since someone else's wedding. Thankful for our college friends and the sweet memories that we made!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cinco de Derby

This month has been quite a whirlwind!!

I took on another homebound student, so I'm having to teach both kiddos after school every day = cuts into my blogging time.  Love my new girl, though-- despite  a tough battle with cancer, she's so vivacious and has me snorting with laughter every time I see her. Definitely helps keep life in perspective as to what's truly important...

And what absolutely helps make life worth living are friends, dressing up like rich people, (and mint juleps don't hurt either.) Last weekend we celebrated the derby AND Cinco de Mayo in one shindig. Fancy dress was required, as was mustaches and sombreros. We ate our faces off in a shrimp boil and donned our fuzzy 'staches post-derby. It was quite the occasion...

Staging a picture for Erick's START Movement--- email him and he'll write you a personalized haiku. They're the best.

The girls!

and the boys

Christmas card pic, perhaps?

Miss Pip didn't understand why her horse didn't win... and was inquiring as to why everyone was screaming so loudly during the race...

We sat around like rich people with our fancy drinks and tried not to talk about work...

And then it was time for PART II, which entailed mustachios and an adult piƱata. Epic. 

3 more weeks till summer :)

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