Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Extra Coffee

I'm at school. The kiddos are taking finals.
It's silent. Raining. I brought extra coffee. 

I should be grading.
I should be figuring out what to do next period.
I should be clearing my desk of clutter, because right now I have a small space for my computer and that's about it.
Did I mention I should be grading?


I am dreaming of summer.
I am planning a baby shower.
I am catching up on blogs.
I am looking at flights to Seattle.
I am motivated to "lose 6 pounds and 11 inches in two weeks!" (http://www.prevention.com/print/26102)
I am recovering from the weekend. 


On another note, encouraged by this morning's sweet devotion:

"Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful." And as much as I groan about working/cleaning/not being about to predict the future, I AM thankful for this sweet life and all its ridiculous-ness... For where this life has brought Michael and me, and the hope of our future callings together. For friends that fill my life with joy, for nearby family. Florida sunshine. An incredible church. Two months off, and a looming European vaycay. 

I was also moved by this scripture from Colossians:

2:6-7 My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Heck yes to that!

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