Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's a Good Day.

New strategy---P90X! 2 down, 88 to go. A little daunting, yes, but I'm ready: 

In 88 days I will have muscles the size of... watermelons. Cannons.. mountains? Or this guy:

Yes, please. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

too many dog pictures.

i think i'm obsessed.

While this week has been nutso, I've made it a priority to relax. I've done this through reading The Book of Awesome. From watching Dexter (although I don't quite 'relax' during that one...) Taking a bath. Drinking wine. Talking to friends I haven't talked to in a looooong time. Refusing to make dinner and heating things up in the oven instead. Vegging on the couch. Dog park.

And tomorrow the best place in the entire universe... La Nap. We always go there. One day we'll switch it up and try some place else. For now, I'll take my liter-sized Dos Equis and a burrito smothered in queso. Yes please.

Sleepy Diego after a dogpark romp.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Instant Joy... just add sunflowers

Sunflowers are an immediate source of joy. Especially when they're only $2.99 from Publix.

Other sources of joy? 

Picking up Diego from his first daycare session damp from the pool and instant pass out in the car. (He told me he loved it and wishes mommy and daddy could afford to send him more.) 

NOT being projectile vomited on by a student today and thankful for Mr. Nick's promptness in cleaning it up.

Sitting outside with the 'cool-ish' weather, watching the sunset, enjoying a beverage of choice. 

Life is good today. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day; 3rd Edition

I can't believe I'm starting year #3. I just went through and read my 'very first week' blog entries and how excited I was to actually be in the classroom after a year and a half of learning about it. It was a much-needed reminder of how much I love my job and to keep the passion I had that first year!

Today was okay... the first day is always kind of boring as you're going through your routines. I found that I actually enjoyed seeing last year's students now in my 7th grade classes because they already know the routines. Hopefully they won't become too comfortable and go crazy on me. I already have a couple of 'rascals' that I'll have 'The Talk' with at some point this week.

I'll try to remember to take pictures of my classroom tomorrow to post.

This year's goal will be to figure out the best ways to 'refuel' when I feel like I can't make it. I'll have to brainstorm ideas--- any thoughts?

Awesome things of the moment:
-Amy and Paul were engaged!! can't wait for the wedding!!
-Talked to Annie on Skype last night
-re-painted the fireplace wall (so much better!)
-Diego's going to doggy daycare tomorrow. I hope he loves it!

Random picture of the day (can you tell my iphone has opened up a world of picture-taking possibilities?)

That creepy looking thing is a deer! It stared right at Kristin and I on our way home from the teacher party this weekend. Crazy!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


...and school hasn't even started. A bit of an overwhelming, "How-the-heck-can-I-cover-everything?!" kind of week.  I am thankful for God's grace and strength, my wonderful friends at work who helped get me through this week, and past students/parents whose joy at seeing you again help remind me why I was called to be a teacher.. Our brains are full, our eyes are twitching, our rooms and plans not quite there yet. But you'll find a smile on our faces and hope in our hearts for the best year ever.

I admit, that was a little cheesy.

Didn't quite help reduce the stress to have to come home to this:

At least it wasn't something important, like a pillow, pair of shoes, or something electronic like it has been in the past.

BUT the frustration was immediately canceled out by the anticipated arrival of this in the mail:

And a little lab lovin' couldn't hurt either.

*Note-- Diego is NOT the fat one. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Taco Tuesday

Started with a surprise Skype date at school with Ms. Webster who is all the way in Italy. 

That afternoon, guac was made. Good opportunity to use the SlapChop, which is a fantastic invention. 
*Note painted dogbowl in back. 

Took guac to Taco Tuesday at Kristin Auman's house, which was a much-needed stress relief. 
*Note Heather's amazement

Not Tuesday, but Wednesday's adventure: tour of Pacetti Road Pet Spa, where Diego has to now convince Dad to let him go to once in a while so Mommy can get work done during the school year.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Lovin'

Yesterday we drove to Orlando to spend time with the Checchias. What's a trip to Orlando without stopping by IKEA, the greatest place on the face of the planet? After scarfing down a heaping plate of Swedish meatballs and macaroni (I cringed when I logged the calories into the "MyFitnessPal" app-- last day of vacation!) we cruised the tastefully setup rooms of a coveted life in the city. If I lived in 375 sq. ft. of space, you'd better believe I'd outfit it in IKEA awesomeness.

We successfully bought an amalgamation (I love when I get to use that word) of frames for the couch-wall-- step 2... choosing pictures.

Ikea, thank you for helping me fulfill my dream of becoming a bookstore owner.

After gorging my face on Swedish meatballs, the party continued at Bucca di Beppo. Needless to say, I won't be eating for the rest of the week.

I think it's HILARIOUS when people have toilet paper stuck on their shoes. I was fortunate enough to be caught in this very situation.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Officially the Last Day

I admit it... I still love to listen to Dashboard Confessional once in a while. There was something about the screaming, whiny lyrics of Chris Carrabba that sucks me in every time. It never fails to bring me back to when you needed a song to play on repeat for after experiencing a breakup... and of course  singing at the top of my lungs coming home from the beach with my sister in the 1980 Volvo with the sunroof cranked open. 

So this week, while painting Diego's dogbowl in the garage, I cranked Dashboard loud and proud for the whole neighborhood to hear. I didn't stop yelling those emo lyrics when the elderly bug man came to spray next door. I even teared up a little when "Age Six Racer" comes on, because it never fails to be my end-of-summer anthem:

So long sweet summer
I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays
So long sweet summer
I fell into you
Now you're gracefully falling away 

That's deep, Chris Carrabba, real deep. 

Here are the pictures for the day--- the first ones to ever be taken with my new iphone that just came in:

Rachel's morning coffee process-- I love opening a new bag! I bury my face into it an breathe deeply... mmmmmm.

The new wall color-- but it's too blue! Painting over it this week with paint from Kristin's house because she's better than I am at picking out colors.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So much to learn...

.... so little time....

      I am absolutely obsessed with www.englishcompanion.ning.com. I've been perusing its discussions for a couple hours now, jotting down ideas that I'd love to try in the classroom. It's overwhelming to think that I'll be teaching two separate grades this year; I barely made it through last year and to think the load will be doubling? I am extremely excited, though, and know that God will bring me through it. I'm going to set attainable goals and will do my best to achieve them.

My map came today in a ridiculous fashion... didn't want to walk up to the door, eh?

Last night's dinner--- not quite the real thing, but as close as we're gonna get :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Totally Inspired..

While I'm not particularly ready to go back to school, I love when the seasons are about to change and you get into a different kind of mode... so even tough the summer season isn't technically ending, I'm getting into a fall kind of mood as I prepare for teaching, Gator football, and the joy that autumn brings! What brought this on was the way it feels outside; don't get me wrong, it's still hot as you-know-what outside, but it was breezy, and it just kind of... smelled like fall. If that makes sense.

I have this feeling in my heart of change and new beginnings-- I can literally feel the excitement mounting as I prepare for a new year...maybe a combination of finally making this house a home through decorating, teaching a new grade this year, finally finding a church and deciding to run a marathon. Or maybe I realized last night that I'm turning 25 in a couple of months... and that's practically.... adulthood, or something. A quarter of a century! 

I love life.

Awesome things of the day: Waking up to your dog who thinks you're the coolest person on the face of the planet, the way your hair looks and feels when you get a haircut, and getting a new planner. 

Too many colors to choose from!! One will be a winner for the accent wall, though.

Look at that face! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Week of Summer

I feel like summer just started--- and now it's coming to a close. I was mistaken when I thought I'd be bored out of my mind with all this free time to garden and learn how to play guitar. Instead, I had something going on every week! I intend to enjoy every second of my last week of freedom. Even if one of those days will be spent setting up my classroom early...

So here is a compilation of my end-of-summer goals:

Tackle the 'office' which conveniently turned into Rachel's storage room for junk

Finish the guest bathroom, now that I found a curtain to match the crazy blue I painted it last spring:

Decorate as much as I can, since it only happens over summer! Here's the new rug we got. Diego likes it, too.

Paint the dog feeder my lovely husband made

I should probably get going now, seeing as I slept in this morning :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lazy Days

The past two days have been heavenly. Since the air conditioning was fixed, I've been laying on the couch basking in its coolness, eyes glued to the computer and TV screens. And I don't even care that I've watched multiple movies and HGTV for hours on end--- it's like my body is preparing itself for school starting again, so I'm making sure my battery is fully charged.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Air Conditioning How I Love Thee...

Europe = best trip ever. There's no way to even begin to blog about it-- but it was awesome to have shared the experience of a lifetime with my husband and best friends. I praise God for giving us that opportunity!

I've been going nonstop this summer... what happened to the gardening, learning guitar, and decorating plans? I'm thankful that there's still two weeks to somewhat relax and get my life in order. Although it's difficult to think summer is already almost over, I have to admit I'm excited for this upcoming school year. I've been moved to the 6th/7th team which I think will be a welcomed challenge-- I have a good feeling about this year and feel like I've gotten over the 'hump' of being a brand new teacher. Maybe, maybe not... but I have hope that this year will the best yet :)

For the present moment I will continue to lounge on Kristin's couch watching HGTV. She has graciously allowed us to stay here while she's out of town so we don't have to melt in our house with a broken air conditioner in the middle of summer.

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