Saturday, September 25, 2010

Patiently Waiting..

... for our neighbors to come over to go to the Gator game! We were supposed to leave half an hour ago but our neighbor busted his water pipe earlier due to a weed-wacking incident. So I'm bored and ready to go; we're cutting into precious tailgating time! We also won tickets to go to the Jags game tomorrow with Kristin and Hilary! Woo hoo! Tons of football to celebrate this weekend.

I took some pictures out of sheer boredom:

Our little grapefruit tree is growing so tall!

 Mike found a frog


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Joyful Tuesday.

I love finding 'new' (to me, at least...) music artists. New fav--- Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors. Perfect CD to welcome fall this week. In the upcoming weeks I'll blast this along with Nickel Creek as I'm cleaning the house... kind of my "fall is here!" tradition.

I'm super content today. In the past couple of weeks I've been stressed and overwhelmed with everything going on with school and Wyldlife... but after being @ camp this weekend, I'm so full of peace and His overflowing love that I'm okay with life. I know He's got it under control and that life isn't about freaking out over every little thing.

 It's about other things, like:

- quiet time with the Lord before school
- taking Diego to the dog park
- throwing a football with Mike
- 'kidnapping' your 2nd and 5th grade neighbors to sneak them cinnamon rolls before dinner and playing a game of Twister
- watching all my favorite TV shows that are starting this week (like HOUSE and GLEE and MODERN FAMILY!!!)
- listening to Drew Holcomb and blogging
- Skyping with my sister and best friend who are both across the world
- being asked to be a "Matron of Honor" (even though that makes me seem like a grandma)
- getting a letter from student asking for help with a life situation because the book we're reading in class gave her the courage to speak up
- catching up with a coworker who was gracious enough to drive me to work because I left my keys in Mike's car
- enjoying a new favorite beer (Terrapin?)
- being offered 2 Gator tickets for the Kentucky game this weekend!
- having no shame over being excited about my birthday in two weeks
-trying a new recipe and hoping it'll be AWESOME
- being able to make split pea soup, cause it's kinda fall...

Autumn = Time to plan a backpacking trip!!

and it's only TUESDAY!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Going to CAMP!

Wasn't I just THERE? It doesn't seem like it was over two months ago already! Not gonna lie, I still had stuff in my truck that I NEVER UNPACKED from the last time I was there. Oops. Shows you how much of a slob I can be at times...

Excited for what I hope will be a rejuvenating, fun-filled weekend with some of my favorite people on the face of the planet. Jesus included. Gotta quit procrastinating and need to finish packing! Have I ever mentioned I HATE to pack? Booooooring.

Random tangent of the day: The other day I was looking through pictures of when I was a counselor at Confrontation Point Ministries which at the time was in Crossville, Tennessee. That summer God completely rocked my world and truly taught me what it meant to draw near to him with a core community of believers... and to depend solely on Him to get me through life. He challenged me in so many ways; the people and memories he put in my life at that time will remain in my heart forever.

I'm thinkin' that 'Hick Dodgeball' needs to be introduced to Wyldlife...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm super excited about what God has planned for Wyldlife this year. I feel more motivated than I ever have to pour into the kids there. I guess with how tough school has been thus far, Wyldlife is a constant, fantastic reminder to remember my First Love and why He's called me to spend the majority of my current life with pre-teens. We have an ongoing skit that I'm stoked about... sadly, though, I feel like it's my true inner self coming out, which is kind of awkward. 

I'm pleased to introduce to you Nita Nurkle:

i'm awesome. 

School is getting better as the dust settles. I'm going to Southwind camp again this weekend for "Leader's Weekend." Soooo excited for a little bit of rest, tons of fun, and some much-needed time with the Lord. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've been praying for Friday to come all week. It's definitely been a long one (hence the lack of updates.) So I'm thankful for this upcoming weekend to rest, get some housework done, and see Tebow's beautiful face at the Jags/Broncos game on Sunday.

Last weekend's romp in Chicago was fantastic! While it was quick, we squeezed in a lot... and it's always a joy to spend time with my sister and niece/nephews! Lucky for us there was an orphaned baby squirrel that showed up on their porch a couple days prior to our arrival. Of course we were entertained for hours. Apparently when you pick up a baby squirrel it plays dead. No worries about rabies.

Checked out the "bean"

Went to a beautiful wedding

Good times. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

prepare to be amazed

Here's what a typical day looks like for Mrs. Checchia. 

Breakfast of champions. Same thing every morning. 

"Really, mom? You're leaving AGAIN?"

Good morning Ms. Auman!

My second home... or maybe my first?

We are twins! I couldn't do this job without my amazing coworkers!

Me at end of day. 

Then home to veg on the couch and love on this guy:

(Day 4 of p90x made me punch myself in the face this morning. Yoga? By myself? Booorrrring.)