Thursday, May 31, 2012

Seattle Bound

I'll be here in July!

It's where my heart is. 
(And my sister.)
I can't wait-- it's been too long--
And we'll keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Chex gets to join me as well...
But that will only happen if he's offered a certain job...
And this means I'll pretty much be gone for at least half of this summer...
Just how I like it. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To my dear teacher friends,

I've spent a lot of this year in griping-mode, and for that I'm genuinely sorry. How much time spent complaining to my sweet teacher friends could have instead been filled with joyful conversations, or words of encouragement? Why haven't I been able to be the 'better person' and not even bring up reasons to complain in the first time, knowing it will snowball into the same exchange of words meant to invoke hopelessness and pit us against each other? Needless to say, I've grown a lot this year. I'm on the verge of making a life change, whatever the heck that entails. Even if it's a small life-change, as simple as refusing to let situations out of my control hinder my ability to  find joy.

To my dear teacher friends, even as I sit here typing I keep erasing and rewriting the words that I truly want to say to you all but can't quite get it right. You all mean the world to me-- in a year that was full of dark, life-sucking moments, we still somehow found a way to  latch on to snippets of joy and run with it. Lunch room conversations, those stolen moments of laughter in between the halls of 'You want to hear what was just said to me?!' celebrations of new life and weddings and job promotions, shining moments of "That lesson ROCKED! You have to try this!" or "Holy cow that was a flop--- quick, how can I fix it next period?" And, although rare, seeing each other outside of school and just being ourselves-- so worth the memories made.

It's been a complete and utter blessing to start off my teaching career surrounded by such phenomenal individuals. I'm inspired daily by your creativity and willingness to serve your students in such unique ways, and especially your openness to share what works in your classrooms.

Wherever life leads each one of us, I'll choose to look back on this year with fondness simply because (for the most part!) we chose to seek happiness and laughter instead of flushing our souls down the toilet I love you all dearly!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Extra Coffee

I'm at school. The kiddos are taking finals.
It's silent. Raining. I brought extra coffee. 

I should be grading.
I should be figuring out what to do next period.
I should be clearing my desk of clutter, because right now I have a small space for my computer and that's about it.
Did I mention I should be grading?


I am dreaming of summer.
I am planning a baby shower.
I am catching up on blogs.
I am looking at flights to Seattle.
I am motivated to "lose 6 pounds and 11 inches in two weeks!" (
I am recovering from the weekend. 


On another note, encouraged by this morning's sweet devotion:

"Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful." And as much as I groan about working/cleaning/not being about to predict the future, I AM thankful for this sweet life and all its ridiculous-ness... For where this life has brought Michael and me, and the hope of our future callings together. For friends that fill my life with joy, for nearby family. Florida sunshine. An incredible church. Two months off, and a looming European vaycay. 

I was also moved by this scripture from Colossians:

2:6-7 My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Heck yes to that!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Favorite Moments

This morning's devotional was a call to focus on the 'treasures' that God embeds within your day. 
In the midst of everything going on with school, future plans, and frisky middle schoolers, 
I knew a change of perspective was necessary.
I don't know if today was filled with more treasures than usual, or if I was simply 'rewarded' for taking my focus off of worries and irritations... but God delivered. My day was full of joy that canceled out the fact that my students have gone insane and are planning a mutiny against me. 

My sweet moments:
--I saw an old, dear friend (Mr. Nick!) who was visiting our school. Our encounter, while only limited to a hug as I quickly ran out to grab copies in the middle of class, made my heart so happy!

--The most wonderful teacher was honored in a surprise retirement party today. Our faces were in pain from laughing so hard as we shared ridiculous stories of how this woman has touched our lives-- gave me the warm fuzzes that we were all together as a 'family' ... new babies, old friends.... lesson plans and stress forgotten as the year closes out... 

--The student I've been tutoring was given his 'dream' today by an awesome local organization-- his family is being sent on an Alaskan cruise! Our school was so sweet in donating and raising money to help pay for the trip. It was a blessing to witness.

This tree-- I've never been able to capture the heart that the trees make! But can you see it? Makes me smile on my drive home to work every day. 

Kinda gross, but kind of cool-- tiny baby caterpillars have shown up twice. And they are very hungry-- but I removed them to the woods and away from the tomatoes. 

Sunsets are always a welcomed treasure in my book. And this one was particularly lovely. 

Other favorite moments?

*A much-needed conversation with Annie, despite her calling back 20 min. later when she realized a dog had gotten into the yard where she's housesitting and had killed all the chickens... ("There's dead bodies strewn about the yard!! What do I doooo???!!")

*Consuming the best peanut butter ball EVER. Seriously. I almost died it was so good. 

*Connecting with one of my challenging classes over "The Outsiders" and being AMAZED at the connections that they made 

*My porch lights that I debated over for 20 minutes in Target. Well worth it.

Let's hope for more of the same tomorrow and especially the three-day weekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A poem

I am sovereign over your circumstances
Humble yourself under my mighty hand
 Rejoice(!) in what I am doing in your life now
Though it's beyond your understanding
You have everyone you need in Me for this life
 and the one yet to come
The ultimate challenge is to
 Fix your eyes on Me
No matter what
 For when I'm central
You see things from My perspective

 (today's devotion in "Jesus Calling" summed up in a poem)

 I've found that the more time I spend with God, the more He speaks to my heart through scripture and this sweet little book I'm working through. Imagine that-- you mean, the more time i spend with someone the more I get to know that person? It ain't rocket science, but seriously, what the heck have I been doing my whole life? Lately I've been consumed with dreaming about the next phase of life; I feel the Lord is telling me to slow it down, to only concern myself with each day, one step at a time. I'm not stressing about next year, but I am honestly thinking a lot about it, and that's not where my focus should be. Right now in this season of life it should be on intimacy with my Father. The rest will take care of itself in His perfect timing.

 The scripture for my devo today was 1 Peter 5:6-7 (the Message) Be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you, he will promote you in the right time. Live carefree before God- he is most careful with you!

 Okay God,you have my full attention :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

on a Sunday night

My view from my side of the bed on a Sunday night? The hubs picking out the perfect suit/tie combo as he prepares for his interview. (Charcoal suit, red tie? Gray suit, blue tie? Throw in some yellow for kicks. Went with red power tie.) Let's keep our fingers crossed, and most importantly send some prayers right on up to the Big Guy. It may be time for a life change... regardless of whether or not this interview brings about the opportunities we hope for. Lots of thinking' to do...

Summer is looming just around the corner.
I've got a new pep in my step-- waking up a little earlier, making lunch the night before, exercising.
I wish this kind of motivation hit earlier in the year, but I suppose it comes in waves; the end is near, I can tackle anything now.

Like this burger:
Yep. We found a great new-to-us restaurant called "Gas" in St. Auggie beach. Ginormous jalapeño-stuffed burger, philly cheesesteak empanadas, tasty drinks... yes, yes, and yes. 

The rest of the weekend was spent in joyful celebration of... well... it being the weekend, I suppose. 
We ate, we played games, and some of us bet on horses and won big money.

It was a blessing to be home this weekend-- we've been traveling so much that I was thankful for the little things, like a lazy Friday night, just the two of us, early bedtime, waking up late, church, Sunday Funday... and looking forward to more of the same this weekend!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chahlston, dahling

We meet again, Charleston. And so soon.
This time, to celebrate Ben gettin' hitched.
It was a beautiful day, the company grand....

Joanna seems perfect for Ben...

... and then the camera died.

But the rest of the weekend was filled with fun and good eats and good friends we haven't seen since someone else's wedding. Thankful for our college friends and the sweet memories that we made!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cinco de Derby

This month has been quite a whirlwind!!

I took on another homebound student, so I'm having to teach both kiddos after school every day = cuts into my blogging time.  Love my new girl, though-- despite  a tough battle with cancer, she's so vivacious and has me snorting with laughter every time I see her. Definitely helps keep life in perspective as to what's truly important...

And what absolutely helps make life worth living are friends, dressing up like rich people, (and mint juleps don't hurt either.) Last weekend we celebrated the derby AND Cinco de Mayo in one shindig. Fancy dress was required, as was mustaches and sombreros. We ate our faces off in a shrimp boil and donned our fuzzy 'staches post-derby. It was quite the occasion...

Staging a picture for Erick's START Movement--- email him and he'll write you a personalized haiku. They're the best.

The girls!

and the boys

Christmas card pic, perhaps?

Miss Pip didn't understand why her horse didn't win... and was inquiring as to why everyone was screaming so loudly during the race...

We sat around like rich people with our fancy drinks and tried not to talk about work...

And then it was time for PART II, which entailed mustachios and an adult piñata. Epic. 

3 more weeks till summer :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I hate falling behind in posts. It's kind of like dieting-- once I fall off the bandwagon, I say, "Screw it."
Here's my attempt at playing catch-up, and maybe it will shed light into the reasoning why I haven't found the time to sit down and blog. Life is just too full of fun...

Last weekend we found ourselves in Hotlanta celebrating sweet Alex's birthday. Sweetwater Brewery was our first stop (too lazy to upload pictures from phone... use your imagination or stalk me on Instagram) and on Sunday we hit up a lovely, massive art show.

Monday we tackled Stone Mountan; cross that one off the bucket list.

Not sure what the boys found more exciting than the immense view in front of them?

And we packed a picnic lunch, with baguettes and fancy cheese and cookie butter. Hot dang. 
Note that there are no pictures of my best friend. She was moving that weekend, and apparently we did not document the lovely time we did get to spend together. Whoops- love you, Amers! 

Happy Monday to you-- I'll make a massive attempt at posting Cinco de Derby pictures this week, plus including a reflection on marriage as we know it, since Michael and I just celebrated the 4 year mark!