Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family Roadtrip- Day 2

Today we spent our time in Fort Bragg with my cousin and his beautiful family. What a joy to see where he's at now-- all grown up! We went to a sweet army museum and hung out with the kids....

I got a little out of control with the camera at the museum...

 Attempting peace talks

Watch out Mom and Dad!

Then we hopped in the car and drove to Asheville, NC. I think I'm in love. And there was a "Fudruckers." Now I've never been to this place, but I have heard the claim multiple times from Mike's mouth over the course of our 8 year friendship that he made up the name "Fudruckers" when he was 8 and someone must have stolen it from him. He still gets pretty heated about it. 

The best part of the day was the sunset; we were just able to see the Smokey Mountains and were listening to Joni Mitchell and tears came to my eyes at the realization that I have the best family and that I'm so thankful to be loved unconditionally by them. It was a nice moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, that sounds like such a sweet moment!

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