Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of school. This year has been insane, yet I can't believe it is coming to an end. As it closes out we tend to get reflective and maybe a bit emotional as we bid farewell to our little ones for a short while, only to greet them again as transformed teenagers. Tomorrow will be especially hard, as I am saying goodbye to my first class ever. Those little people who stole my heart on that first day in the classroom have grown up a bit and are venturing into high school. They're at the beginning stages of their real life-journey and starting to choose the paths that will lead them towards adulthood.

I'm blessed to play a tiny role in their lives.

This week God rocked my world with encouraging words from different people.  He knew that lately I've been feeling kind of low and decided to use kind, loving words from my BFF and parents of students to whisper joy into my heart. And to top it all off, my OM kids spoke to the wonderful people at the church who generously donated a large amount of money to make our DC trip possible. I was bursting with pride as they took over the stage and captivated their audience with their middle school drama.

An elderly gentleman told me afterwards, "I was mostly entertained by you; after I figured out you weren't a student yourself, I could tell you're everyone's favorite teacher and the kids just LOVE you!"

He has no idea how much peace that gave me!

I'm can now say I'm ready to close this year out on a positive note; bring it on, summer.

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