Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday's Joys: 

My new beach cruiser, Calypso. There she is on the back of the car on her way to my house. If you know me, you'll know that I HATE putting bikes on the back of the car. Ever since I was little I've been terrified that they were going to fall off and impale the unfortunate driver behind us.  Still feel that way, actually, but have gotten over it a bit. 

These guys were waiting for me in the garden! Mmmmm.

And I couldn't get a close enough picture, but right there in the middle is a very regal caterpillar who decided to go to town on all the leaves. He had to be removed and fed to the birds for his crimes. 

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I am totally jeal of you beach cruiser. I have been begging Mr. R. for one for YEARS! You would think that popping out a watermelon, oops I mean kid, would warrant me a fancy beach cruiser... but alas I am without and am forced to covet yours. Miss your face a lot! Let's get together soon!

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