Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to Routine

I've made it through two days of school and I'm wondering why it isn't Friday yet.

So in celebration of a new year and new routines, I'm attempting to stick with a prayer book my dad gave me for Christmas. It goes through scripture, cool words from lots of different saints, and then prompts you to pray for your own specific things. Prayer is definitely a discipline that I suck at, unless I need something, like last week at the beach... "Oh God please help me find the truck key so that I don't have to tow the car to a place where they can mold a new key out of the existing ignition. On behalf of my marriage, thank you, Amen." (I immediately found it lying in the surf, no big deal. Thanks, God!)

I know that resolutions are quick to falter but seriously... I want to stick with this one. Spending time in prayer before my day starts should be an imperative-- especially if I've been a follower of Christ for nearly half my life. (When I just typed 'Christ, I actually typed 'Christmas.' I'm a follower of that, too.) And it's not easy--- like running, probably. When I start getting back into running, I hate life. I can't breath, I walk, I'm bored... kind of similar with prayer. I get easily distracted thinking about ANYTHING other than prayer, or I ramble, and sure enough boredom creeps up on me and I hastily spurt out inyournameamen.

But surely, like anything, it becomes easier? What starts out as barely being able to make it through one mile ends up as a marathon, perhaps?

We'll see. It's my 'spiratualution,' and I'm stickin' to it.

In other words, a student just dropped off homemade tamales because one day in class I raved about how much I love them. God is so good-- just proof that I'm where I'm supposed to be and doing what I love...

Here's to our new selves!

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