Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Week's Worth

I know I'm still riding the "Yay-it's-a-New-Year" high with the whole exercising and eating well, making it a point to spend time with God daily, keeping the house tidy...
 it feels pretty dang good.  The best way to describe it would be balanced, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Let's keep it going-- here's to round two!

My new Sunday routine involves preparing snacks for the week. Not so much meals (too much work)  but veggies and fruits washed and cut up, easy to grab to satiate my need to graze.
Took me an hour-ish, but it's an hour well spent. Out of it came:

Egg muffin cups -(quick protein snack at work or delish on an english muffin in the morning)
Kale- cut and ready for smoothies
Greek Yogurt dip made (dill, lemon, garlic, cuke, yummy goodness)
Citrus water (trying to fight off the sick!)
Cukes and celery cut up and ready for consumption
Lunches made for tomorrow (Mine and Mike's) 

Egg Muffin Cups--

2 eggs & a cup of whites whisked together mixed with whatever's in the fridge- this time, a cup of chopped kale, 2 slices of crumbled bacon, a handful of pepper jack cheese, green onions, salt & pepper 

Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. 


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