Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So far, so good.

Up to today, my tank was still pretty full. After a lovely meeting and talk of the upcoming Florida Writes/FCAT, I'm about halfway right now. I've still got a ways to go until empty, but need to consider refueling some time in the near future. Oh wait, I have a 4 day-weekend* coming up! Win for me. (*Note that I still have to work on Tuesday, but it's all about me cleaning/planning/socializing and no students will be present. That pretty much equals a holiday in my book.) 

I love starting a new year because it challenges me to stay focused on my health. I'm praying that I'll stick with it for a while and not fall back into an abysmal pit of gorging my face with pizza and cookies while sinking into the couch. I've exercised almost every day by starting back with boot camp and training for the Donna 1/2. And on days I don't feel like doing anything, I at least power walk with Diego. (I'm not ashamed to admit I power walk. And I do it pretty fiercely, too.) I've also been tracking my food intake with "My Fitness Pro," which REALLY does help because when it comes down to it, I don't need that extra piece of chocolate at work, or that slice of pizza that was sitting in the planning room.

For me, to eat right I have to snack all day long. And I've realized I'm so much like my dad in many ways, one being that I'm okay with eating the same foods every day. So my snacks are a yogurt after 2nd period, lunch, carrots after school with a can of seltzer, a tangerine an hour later, then I get to come home to THIS:

I believe I might have an obsession with avocado now, especially since they are in-season and cheap. I seriously can't get over how good they are. 
Anyways, have a good week and I'll try to post more frequently :) 

D's all about the snuggling, especially when it's cold outside.

Note the three cups of coffee on my desk. No wonder I was feelin' good at the beginning of the week...

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