Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is the first time all week that I've been able to just SIT and RELAX. I've been staying at school late, exercising (not tonight... oops...) cooking meals, cleaning, lesson planning, taking care of D.... all these things as I get back into routine, and I didn't feel like I could just, well, sit without doing something productive.

I so needed this.

Relaxing on the back porch, enjoying the slight breeze that's stifling the oppressive humidity, keeping Michael "company" as he mows the lawn, soaking it all in. This year is going to be a doozie; I need to savor the quiet moments of not thinking about work and enjoying a cold one when the opportunity arises.

I can't even imagine doing this job right now and coming home to little ones. Those of you who do this (and will be soon!)... you're all my heroes.

Cheers to Friday and knowing the weekend will deliver!

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