Monday, August 15, 2011

Day7- Fruit?

A picture of fruit? Really?

First of all, I am embarrassed to say that there is currently no fruit in the house, unless you count the 5 or so rotting cherries in the back of the fridge. Party foul.

I went to Publix to pick up some nanners (along with other things... I didn't just go for the fruit I swear...) and I thought just fruit on a table would make a pretty lame picture. I tried to think of something different, like throwing fruit in the air or taking a picture of an apple at school (real creative, huh.) Then I felt silly for overthinking how I was going to take a picture of fruit and decided to just incorporate my favorite dog. Wasn't sure what he would do with the nanner, but he figured it out right quick.:

Fortunately I had the brains to move this party outside before he got mushy nanner all over the floor. 

 he totally posed for this one

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