Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Training & 6th Grade Camp

This week I kinda went back to work.

Every day I woke up before seven and begrudgingly put on my 'teacher hat' which was hastily crammed into oblivion last June. I put on my game face and braved through cut and dry training sessions on the teaching model our county is adopting this year. At least I had good friends to keep me company.

Kristin might need to work on her game face... 

workin' REAL hard here.... errr, hardly working?

Along with the training, we ran a 6th grade back to school summer camp for the past two days. Talk about some squirrely kiddos... why they think it's okay to crawl in the hallways or to talk back to adults, I'm not sure. I had to have special conversations with a few, questioning if they thought this was a good start to a school year that hasn't even begun.


I'm actually pretty relieved that I won't be teaching the 6th graders this year. It's not that I don't enjoy them, but after having both 6th & 7th grades last year, I found that I prefer the older ones. Not so much hand-holding.

 I'd like to say that I'm absolutely 100% excited to go back, but that would be a lie. It's hard to come down from the high that is summer... and I know this year will be a tough one. But I have confidence that God will provide the strength that will be needed to survive and be my best. Maybe I'll end up loving 8th grade and wondering how I ever taught anything differently (although I'm sad to leave the 6th grade team!)

Another weight on my shoulders is OM. I just don't know if I have it in me to do it another year, especially with how difficult I know it's going to be. Decisions decisions... this one is difficult.

For now, I'm going to not worry about it and go read. Maybe I'll even attempt to tackle our summer reading assignment...

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