Friday, March 11, 2011

Question of the day:

Thought-provoking devo question of the day: How might God be calling you to live a different story- to be the one who has a "different spirit" from others, who follows God passionately even though it might involve risks? 

I want my life to be full of passion and risk for God.
I want others to see my life and want the happiness and joy that I have, 
solely because of Christ's love.
May I stand before God when my life is through and be able to say,
"I used everything you gave me!"
I want to love & show more compassion and kindness to my husband, family, friends, students, or strangers. 

Here's a risk that I'm partaking in this weekend: running in a 9 mile race I haven't trained for! Haha. Don't think that's the kind of 'risk' God is asking for.... 
But I love these girls and was grateful for an inpromptu hangout as we picked up our race packets and goodies! Wish Kristin and Hilary could have joined! :) 

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