Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Spirit

I've been in a whiny, cranky funk all week. But after reading a friend of mine's blog from today (thanks, Hilary!) about how thankful we should be for our lives, I'm choosing joy! God did not create us to be alone, or to feel worthless and unloved. We were created to love Him and through this love, to pursue others. Every day we have a decision to make-- I must admit this week I've chosen to beat myself up over trivial things, to feel inept and incompetent at my job, and to give God no more than a fleeting glance.

But as of now, I'm choosing be joyful, thankful, and full of love.

I'm blessed to have a loving, hard-working husband who keeps me in line and makes me a better person (and the family that came with him!) For our jobs, our house, Diego. For my phenomenal parents who raised me right. For my sister who is awesome and way cooler than I'll ever be. For my best friends who are on opposite ends of the globe. And for God providing me with amazing people at work!

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

AMYLE1GH said...

that picture before your wedding is hilarious. slash scary. i didn't even recognize myself!