Monday, January 3, 2011

I Resolve To...

I LOVE New Year's resolutions. I've been thinking about mine for a week now and have finally found the time to sit down and write them. So without further ado (drumroll, please!) I resolve to:

1. Actually meet people and get involved at church.
2. Lose 10 lbs or 1 pant size by Amy's wedding (spring break!)
3. Be better at sending thank-you cards.
4. Stick with the new devotional I got. 
5. Go backpacking at least once per season.
6. Sew myself an apron.
7. Find Christmas presents for others while traveling.
8. Pray without ceasing. 
9. Take a picture a day & document it in a photo book at the end of the year (thanks for the idea, Hilary!)
10. Train for a triathlon.
11. Listen to more audio books instead of playing with phone.
12. Not kill the citrus trees my neighbor gave me.  

That is all. I'm sure more will be added later. 

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