Thursday, October 9, 2014

why all interviews will never be as sweet as the first

I had an interview today.

Pulled out the Banana outlet suit I purchased pre-Germany, eyes shut and praying, "Please, dear God, let me be able to button the waist after a year of bratwurst and schnitzel!" (Praise the Lord they did!)

Bought a nice button down shirt and nude nail polish, looked for my "Interview-and-Parent-Teacher-Night" shoes and realized they've been packed up with storage. Whoops.

Bought new shoes to wear with the suit. Put them on today, started walking to the station...they're too big, or I don't know how to walk in heels. Ladies with canes were passing me as I toddled along, thanking God that I gave myself an hour to get somewhere 20 minutes away.

The last time I interviewed for a job, I walked in and was greeted by the kindest woman who genuinely made me feel like I was meant to be there. I sat at a table surrounded by the entire sixth grade team, Peggy and Linda smiling encouragingly at my feeble attempts to make college teaching sound anything at all like real life, Della, expressionless across the table with a, "So, what?" demeanor, asking tough questions to dig deep into what I really knew.

I was completely at peace in that interview. It felt like I'd known these women my whole life.

As I waited outside, Kristin and Lindsay introduced themselves... and I was so excited! Somehow I knew we would be friends.  I casually asked them, "Do you girls love Jesus?" Kinda strange, I know. But look where it got us :)

I was offered the job that evening, and what a joy it was to work with the best team in the world.

All this to say my first time interviewing set the bar pretty high as far as how interviews should go, but I know that God has it all worked out if I only trust him. One day at a time, right?

Got stuck at Starbucks while a monsoon blew through. No selfies of me looking like a grownup in my suit. 

(I think the interview went well, by the way.)

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