Thursday, March 14, 2013

a roadtrip, perhaps?

I can't sleep, trapped by my computer and information overload.

After a heart-to-heart with the vet today, it seems that Annie serving as his foster mom is the best bet. Honestly, he would have the time of his life out there on hikes and with her dog friends... the move with us would be too stressful for him. On top of that, we'll have to move in another year, and who knows where that could be. It pains my heart, but Dr. Krista assured me he would not forget who I am after a two-year hiatus.

And now my brain won't stop... I know I can just ship him out there (Delta is nearly $1,000-- eek!) But how amazing would it be to drive him out there? A cross-country roadtrip is certainly on my bucket list... so now we have to make it work.

I wish I knew when so I could start truly planning!

Maybe I should just go to bed and not worry about this now.

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