Sunday, October 9, 2011

oh well.

I had full intentions this weekend to tackle the monumental stack of papers that are begging for a grade...
along with other chores like washing the dog, cleaning the bathrooms, running five miles, etc. 

But there were too many other desires that took precedence. 
Especially those that I haven't taken the time to entertain for a while...

like actually picking up a book and reading it. 

or baking cookies, (let alone using the kitchenaid mixer.)
pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies? yes, please.

Or how about this guy? all week he gets the shaft, so weekends are fantastic for cuddling.
 He was especially attentive to his mommy and extra droopy.. i think he believes that he is light and comfortable and fits right on your lap...

And most importantly, we got motivated again to decorate some more. With Thanksgiving as a deadline, I WILL finish the back bedrooms and put a picture above our bed. I've been wanting a huge black and white picture of a tree with us in it...We have some pretty great friends who were willing to take some pictures this weekend. Here's a sneak peak, more to come later!


AMY! said...

1. you made my cookie recipe before i got the chance to make them! UGHHHHH
2. proud of you for using your kitchenaid mixer
3. i recognize that tree.... :) did you get the idea from bubba and christine? i can't wait to see more pictures!

WhatIsSharonDoingNow said...

Sounds like an excellent weekend! Next time, don't even bring the papers home so they can't sit in the corner and mock you :)

Rachel Ruth said...

Ames-- I didn't see their pictures... did they take them at that tree? and Sharon-- they are currently mocking me yet again. Lame.

EB said...

I love the tree pic!! Where is this, downtown jville? And your soup looks delish!