Monday, February 28, 2011

who let the dogs out?

That song is the worst song on the face of the planet. 
And now I hope it's stuck in your head for the rest of the afternoon.

As I write this post, Annie and Diego are recovering from their run and sweating all over the freshly mopped wood floors. I think she may have killed him- his breathing is in turbo mode as he lays in a puddle of drool with his tongue flopped all the way out. While I was considering going for a run, I think I'll wait for another two hours until the sun drops below the horizon. 

Also wanted to document the size of our neighbor's banana plant. This is one week's worth of growth-- pretty soon it will take over the entire side and provide my own patio with shade and a tropical feel. 

Speaking of "tropical feel," my heart is set on spring break and ultimately the summer where I'll magically shed some pounds and look fantastic in a bathing suit. I think about it all the time, now; usually I don't get this way until a little bit later in the school year...
*le sigh*

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