Sunday, July 11, 2010

i heart camp.

Being at camp for a week made me feel like a counselor again at Confrontation Point in Crossville, Tennessee. I made multiple anklets and felt... I dunno... like I was back in college! It made me realize that I can still be like this, even if I'm a 'grown-up.'

It was an AWESOME week; one of our girls made a commitment to Christ and I had the opportunity to pray with her for that. I was honestly terrified because I've never done it, but God totally gave me the words to say and gave me the strength to make it through the week. Even when our bus showed up on the last day 4 hours late.

Spending the week at Southwind also made me realize that this is where my heart is most full-- when I'm hanging out and lovin' on middle schoolers who need to know how precious they are. I was constantly reminded of how I had incredible adults in my life who helped me make it through and pointed me towards Christ. I'm so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to pay it forward!

On a side note, Mike & I decided to go visit Amy in Italy and found fantastic tickets.... for this Thursday...  not sure how to plan a trip of this caliber in 3 days... any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I would have read this sooner for travel/packing advise. Too late now, but I hope you packed light and had a great time!