Tuesday, September 9, 2008


 They're good kids, but I let them run me the heck right over. I was a pushover in terms of discipline today, and I  was/am kind of discouraged about it. By lunch time I felt like I blew it for the entire year... that if I hadn't gotten it under control by now, then I lost them forever. 

I had some chance to reflect on the way home, talk to other teachers about it (and my wonderful friend Jessica who was a proteacher with me) and I realized that it's okay. This is normal. They're pushing me and trying to see what they can get away with, which means it's time for me to figure out what I'm going to do to let them know it's not acceptable to disrespect me in the classroom. Nothing major has happened, but they want to talk to their friends too much. They have to understand that I will give them time to interact with each other if they are respectful during instructional time. 

I am so thankful for the saying "tomorrow is another day," because it's giving me hope right now. I'm not going to stress out or get angry that they weren't good listeners because I need to show them who's boss. I was a social butterfly in middle school, so I know what it's like to keep on talking despite my teachers' warnings. But I also remember what it was like to be reprimanded, and how it made me super upset. So tomorrow is the new me... not a mean teacher or an angry teacher, but a confident one who follows through on discipline. 

Now I will go work out. Or cook dinner. Or grade papers. Or plan for tomorrow. 

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