Friday, September 26, 2008

Homework excuses

So I've given a total of two homework assignments. Two. This week's was assigned last Tuesday to be turned in today. In one class, I had two do it out of 22. They have to fill out "homework zero' passes where they write the excuse on them, and I got some pretty good ones:

- I had fevers all week (**so did I**) 
-I thought we had to do problems 1-5 only (**out of 40**)
- I was absent on Monday (**the homework was assigned Tuesday**)
- I didn't know we had homework (**it was on the board for 4 days**)
- I didn't understand the assignment (**then you should have asked me about it 4 days ago**)
and the all-encompassing "I forgot it in my locker"

Too bad, so sad. It's not a hard assignment, either. Hopefully they'll get it together. I know that I didn't do my homework all the time, but seriously, guys. We've had two assignments total in the past 5 weeks. Unacceptable. 

Other than those fun excuses i got to read today, not that much happened this week. I'm going camping tomorrow which will be a well-deserved break for both Michael and I. And the weather has been dipping into the sixties! Good timing. 

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