Thursday, September 19, 2013

Things that make me happy.

It's been 4 days since I decided to get my butt in gear. Only 4. But still, I'm proud of myself, my love Ashley in the states, and Oveida and Marley here for committing to the next 30 days.

Women were not created to be isolated, for when we are alone, we are most vulnerable. While I love to exercise, especially the feelings of accomplishment afterwards and even maybe the soreness the next day, I've never been able to be self-disciplined enough to stick with it by myself. When I was little, my sport was tennis-- two, three times a week you'd find me in group classes with my friends... my summers spent on the court as our team trained for the state competition. High school brought new experiences with volleyball and golf... then college, intramurals with church teams and racquetball with Michael, the best partner ever.

Even in St. Auggie, running was much better with Kristin and Lynn as we made our way over the Vilano bridge. The most in shape I've ever been was training with Danielle, Hilary, and Kristin for our half (and full for the others!) in San Francisco.

I came to my happy blog place to document that even though I ran two minutes and walked one, I did it for an hour. And even though I couldn't stick with the plank that I was supposed to do, it's okay. I bet I'll be stronger next week.

When I write, I work through what's going on in my heart. I'm thankful to be connected with friends back home through health and food, grateful for new friends here in Frankfurt.

Thank you, Danielle and Hilary, for being open with your journey and inspiring the rest of us to get off the couch, like you have been through the entirety of our friendship.

And thank you, Oveida, for harping on me all day to likewise get off my behind and get running!

Paleo update: I know, only four days. But if you knew how long it's been since I've gone without cheese and desserts, you'd be celebrating with me as well! Last night we met friends for curry-- I wasn't about to go for the salad, let me tell you what. Instead, I ate 1/3 of the rice I normally would have, stuck with a half a beer instead of 2. That's a big deal for me :) 

Tonight, I'm looking forward to busting out the grill for the first time for some hamburgers
 (turkey ones and bun-less for me, of course!) 

Get off your butt now and go do something that brings you joy!

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