Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My husband, the problem-solver

".... I forgot the bottle opener!" I moaned after digging through my bag for a couple minutes. How were we supposed to enjoy our cheap bottle of rioja on our river-side picnic? I scanned the spooning couples for glasses of wine. Surely there would be another who was fully prepared for wine consumption-- but alas, there was none.

"Don't worry," Mike confidently announced, "I've got this."

Apparently, you can stick a bottle in your shoe, bang it against a flat surface for about 5 minutes, and the pressure from the wine all shaken up causes the cork to come out of the bottle enough to where you can just pull it out. Did you know this?! My husband is amazing. (He found it on "Stumble Upon," the man-version of Pinterest.) 

The evening was redeemed. We drank our wine on the banks of the Main, just like I dreamed we would do one day in a big city. We reveled in the height of the water (we had to cross police tape and walk a bit for this prime spot,) watched baby ducks and people attempting to ride their bikes through the water on the sidewalk. My favorite part of the night was waving vigorously at a Rhine cruise ship floating by (it cleared the bridge by inches, and was probably the last ship able to do so this week as the water levels are insane...) When it passed us, a group of guys dropped their pants and mooned the people on the ship. Mind you, the passengers were all sweet elderly people... 

...but the best part was an old man turned around, dropped his pants, and mooned them right back from the ship.

I about died laughing.  Mike missed the whole thing.

The summer will bring about many more picnics.. care to join? 

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