Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm melting.

This post is devoted entirely to whining.

I'm serious... I just need to get it off my chest, then I'll stop complaining and embrace the sunshine, for I'm sure there will come a time this winter where I would kill to be uncomfortably sweaty.

With that said, it's hot. Like, Florida hot, except mixed with that Las Vegas dryness where the wind blowing against your skin reminds you of what it must be like to live inside a dryer. 

It's not so much the heat that makes me want to plunge my head into our minuscule's the fact that much of Europe does not utilize precious air conditioning, our apartment notwithstanding. Last night I wasn't myself-- Snippy, lethargic, with the dexterity of a sloth. The warmth of the apartment rendered me useless an unable to get up off the couch, our one dinky fan desperately trying to do its job as it pitifuly blew dry air onto our faces.

"What's wrong with you? Did I do something to make you mad?"
I couldn't even muster an articulate response, sounding something "uhhhhhhhhhhhimsoooohooooootttttttt."

This Florida girl can certainly deal; it wil just take time to get used to the lack of aircon in my own home. (How do people do this who never had it? Who live in places where it's non existent? Now I feel guilty for whining...)

There is one plan to ward of the insanity---lots of this:

And that one place I can always count on for aircon and icy drinks.... 

Good ol' Starbucks,where I will be parked for the remainder of the afternoon. 

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