Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break, Part Uno

A couple of months ago I received a phone call from my momma that went something like this:

Mom: Want to go on a cruise with me? I'll pay.
Me: .... is this a joke?

What better way to kick off spring break?
Albeit it was sightly chilly for us Floridians and we couldn't get in the water--we had a blast.

I'm pretty sure I read for 8 straight hours a day.
 We lost money on slots, ate our faces off, and woke up early enough for the sunrise every morning.

I'm beyond thankful for her friendship, for the easy way we travel and share life together. 
She's a keeper, this mom of ours.

(Annie was sorely missed. She texted us a picture as we embarked of the snow blanketing her front lawn. 
Why can't we live closer to each other?!)

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