Thursday, February 6, 2014

I can make that?!

Finding the motivation to cook a worthwhile meal is a constant struggle of mine. There are times where, sure, I find a bit of joy in a glass of red wine and Fleet Foxes playing in the background while preparing a meal that I know is going to beat the socks off of Mike (is that even an actual idiom or did I make that up?)

Most of the time though, it's taco night again. Or frozen pizza. Or chili, because I make a mean chili and it's the only recipe that I have memorized. And having ALL the time in the freakin' world has not changed my love/hate relationship with planning/preparing meals. Except the reality now while looking up recipes is, "Oh, probably can't find that here."

Before you think this post is all about whining about how life is so tough, let me assure you that I am here to boast that I'm figuring it out! This whole cooking thing. And I'm kind of liking it, sort of. I'm also putting my problem-solving skills to use, as I'm realizing that most things I immediately categorize as 'not-here' can be substituted with a little sleuthing skills. Or, (drumroll, please!) I can make it myself from SCRATCH! (gasp!)

Don't laugh, but really, I didn't realize how many things are simple to make on your own. I think I'm just a byproduct of most of America, where convenience and busy schedules are conducive to buying ready-made and quick products. And I'm all for that, believe me. But, did you know you could make pancakes from scratch? When I moved here and told Martha how excited I was to have found a box of Bisquick, she gave me the most incredulous look that said, "What do you mean you make your pancakes out of a box?" and it honestly didn't even cross my mind that oh, I can make that with simple household ingredients. 

Today, I wanted honey mustard on my salad which basically only had bacon, parmesan, and raisins as toppings because we're clearing out all food from the cupboard. But alas, no honey mustard dressing! Guess what: You can make a mean honey mustard out of dijon and honey. Yep. Not ever buying dressing again. 

Mind blown. Which compelled me to write this post, causing you to judge me for my lack of basic food knowledge and general life skills.

That is all. Happy Thursday, friends!

good thing there's bacon in germany!

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