Friday, April 15, 2011

Will you help us?

Look at these cutie-pies, featured on our region's homepage:

Yep, those are my kiddos. 
They put their reputations out on a limb in order to participate in Odyssey of the Mind. 
They brave the strange, questioning looks they receive from peers and family when performing their ridiculous skit inside the human body.
They then patiently explain what the heck they just performed.
They diligently show up for practices, enduring hot glue burns, paint stains on every article of clothing they own, and my frustrated cries when paint ends up on the school's carpet... again.  
We've powered through at least 166 hours of meetings together. 

And why do I do it? Because when you have a kid say to you, 
"Finally I feel like I belong!"
or you sit in a row of seats, holding hands with a bunch of 12 year olds and your eyes squeezed shut, 
praying for your name to be called at the awards ceremony,
... you know you've found your current life's purpose.

My kiddos whom I've spent the last 2 years with have the opportunity to compete at the University of Maryland against other kids from all over the world. 
When asked if they'd like to buddy up with a team from a different country, they excitedly volunteered and started discussing what Florida gifts they could offer.
They're certainly somethin' special!

To get to the World Finals we have to raise a loooooooooooota money in a *short* amount of time. 
We simply can't afford to do it on our own.

Would you consider helping send them to the competition?
ANYTHING will be MUCH appreciated.

We've got some work to do :)

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