Sunday, August 24, 2008

Um... it's tomorrow?

I start teaching tomorrow. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I guess I am as ready as I could be. I still have some work to do tonight, like figuring out exactly how the day will go. It's going to be pretty hectic due to the lack of orientation (dang tropical storm.) I can't wait to meet my little babies as they walk in my door all scared and crying because they have to leave their parents... it'll be a fun day :) I've been super calm leading up to tomorrow, not sure why, because I guess I should be freaking out, but I know that this is where the Lord wants me to be. I guess I'm experiencing the true meaning of "not worrying about tomorrow" because it will certainly worry about itself. I know that I'm going to be overwhelmed and flying through the day without really knowing what's going on, so I guess I'm not nervous now because I know I'll be fine. I just hope that I can live up to the expectations that have been set for me... that I'll be an effective teacher, that they'll like me, that I'll be able to teach them as well as the incredible teachers on my team. I want them to love english like I do... even the grammar stuff (which I need to work on!) It'll be a great, tough, wonderful, crazy first year!

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