Monday, August 11, 2014

when Dan and Martha come to town!

Everything is right when our long-lost HausFrau returns to the motherland. We eat, we drink, we make merry in epic proportions, without a care for our waistlines or generally well-being.

We find whatever fest is going on and even pay to play the games and ride the ferris wheel.

We indulge on the no-plan plan, ending up on a barge with a Bavarian band doling out free pints for participating in games such as hammering nails into logs with the least amount of strokes or being the one who can hold your arm out the longest with a liter of beer in hand.

Genuine surprise at loud noises being blasted in my ear 

We play with cowbells and learn quirky dances.

We go on HausFrau adventures with Dan in tow. "This is what it's like to be a HausFrau?!" Dan kept exclaiming. "What did you ever have to complain about?"

When Dan and Martha are in town, it's a bit like being on a holiday, which really is how we viewed this entire past year of our lives.

All good things must come to an end, for if we continue this lifestyle any longer we will surely die of obesity.

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