Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Highlights

Life is a merry-go-round of paperwork, Craigslist ads and decision-making. Still no insight as to which apartment to choose, as we are (not so) patiently waiting to hear back from our grand-move-coordinator on some deets that will affect the outcome.

And in other news, I have two (TWO!) more weeks of teaching. Whaaaaaaattttt?!

I'll save reflecting on that whole situation for later.

For now, it's all about crossing places off the St. Augustine/Jacksonville bucket list. There are places to dine, beaches to visit, and friends to (temporarily!!) say "see-you-soon!" to. Not goodbye, never goodbye.

Weekend highlights:

Somebody wanted to help with the garage sale...

"Cavesingers." Awesome.

Mom and dad were gracious enough to devote their Saturday to the worthy cause that was the garage sale. We celebrated afterwards with a sunset and Bloody Marys from Caps. 

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