Friday, April 12, 2013

a tornado came through

My once-put-together bedrooms have entered a state of disarray. 
The Gator game room has transformed into impending-garage sale room.

The 'Blue Room' a 'Let's take this to Germany' and 'Stuff I stole from our parents and should probably give back' room:

Through this whole process I've been constantly reminded to take each day at a time and to only be concerned about the known facts. Fact? We know it's Frankfurt. Fact? We know we're going, we can take what we want, and my last day is the 26th of April.
And at this point, that's about it. No need to stress over the unknown; it will take care of itself hopefully sooner than later.

In other news, tomorrow brings about a garage sale of epic proportions. Hopefully I can get through this one without having to lock myself in my room for a good cry when my childhood memories are being hauled away for pennies. Good thing my parents & friends will be there for moral support. And a pitcher of mimosas. 

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