Monday, April 23, 2012

why can't every day be a weekend

I seriously had the best weekend. Maybe not ever, because weekends in other places count for higher points.... but at least I squeezed the life out of every spare moment possible.
Friday night? See yesterday's post-- also, forgot to mention that the fair concluded with a UFO from Buritto Works. Quite possibly the most delicious things I ate this week. 

Saturday morning: Schmagels with the bestie and the pups

Oliver had the time of his life. Or maybe every time the dogs get to do something fun, it replaces whatever memory they possessed of the last fun day. 

O refuses to leave his mom's side when Diego is running rampant-- Diego's "game" is to plow right into/over Oliver in hopes that he'll chase him. Doesn't work. 

Saturday night= Indian/game night... apparently no pics. But it was a fantastic time, complete with dance parties, Catchphrase and lots of wine! *Note, Indian food WOULD have been the best thing I ate all week but I had to take a momentary siesta during dinner and the boys ate it all. LAME *

Sunday? Tour de Farms! Sure, I want to visit your farm to see how you run it. Yes, I'd like to pet your baby goat and stand on your tractor pretending to be cool. Tomato plant? Why not! What, you'd like me to sample your fresh veggies that you just picked yesterday? 

I took the good camera but have yet to upload any pictures. In fact, I never uploaded them from the canoe trip either. Goal for the week: upload pictures. 

"If we hold hands and touch the electric fence, will it travel to Erick?" 

Maybe the weekend was so incredible because we didn't drive to Jacksonville for any of the festivities. Note to self for next time-- buy a house somewhere closer to the general population.

Monday's ramblings complete- over and out. Going for a run since the weather decided to pretend like it's fall. 

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