I just can't get enough of quiet moments spent with God-- not intending to sound lame, but I mean it. I made the decision to follow Christ as a middle schooler, and it's been an up and down, bumpy ride; but I'm thankful that He has always been in pursuit of me, even when I was running rampant or wallowing in self pity and mediocrity. He's like a lighthouse-- I'm drawn to it, yet it leads me to safe places on my journey through this life. (Now I'm CERTAIN that was cliche and lame. Whatever.) All this to say this is such a sweet season of my life. It's always been a challenge to read the Bible and to actually like it. I've always just picked it up in a moment where I couldn't think of anything else to do, picked a random passage, and tried to apply it to my life.... but recently it's like the scripture is speaking straight to my heart, that God's picking out specific words of encouragement to guide me through this moment in time.

It's been crazy awesome.
On another note, I found myself praying earlier this week that God would show me the things in this life that breaks His heart-- He gladly obliged. And I was feeling like a gorilla was parked on my chest with all of these sad stories of my students and friends. Then a song came on Pandora while I was walking Diego that reminded me of that prayer from the beginning of the week, and I felt okay, like, Yes, very sad things happen to people but hope remains, and you're going to be used to love on these people during their moments of hopelessness.
I don't know if that made any sense, and I might have said the word 'sad' too much. But there you have it.
Here's my theme verse for the day:
John 12:25ish
Anyone who holds on to life just
as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll
have it forever, real and eternal. If any of you wants to serve me, then follow
me. Then you’ll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment’s notice.
I want to be reckless with my love, letting go of life as it is and awakening to the next chapter of my story. I desire to pursue the things that make me come alive in Christ, that capture my heart and imagination, that I was created to be.
Love recklessly this week, my friends.
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