Tuesday, April 24, 2012

late night love notes

I just can't get enough of quiet moments spent with God-- not intending to sound lame, but I mean it. I made the decision to follow Christ as a middle schooler, and it's been an up and down, bumpy ride; but I'm thankful that He has always been in pursuit of me, even when I was running rampant or wallowing in self pity and mediocrity. He's like a lighthouse-- I'm drawn to it, yet it leads me to safe places on my journey through this life. (Now I'm CERTAIN that was cliche and lame. Whatever.) All this to say this is such a sweet season of my life. It's always been a challenge to read the Bible and to actually like it. I've always just picked it up in a moment where I couldn't think of anything else to do, picked a random passage, and tried to apply it to my life.... but recently it's like the scripture is speaking straight to my heart, that God's picking out specific words of encouragement to guide me through this moment in time.

It's been crazy awesome.

On another note, I found myself praying earlier this week that God would show me the things in this life that breaks His heart-- He gladly obliged. And I was feeling like a gorilla was parked on my chest with all of these sad stories of my students and friends. Then a song came on Pandora while I was walking Diego  that reminded me of that prayer from the beginning of the week, and I felt okay, like, Yes, very sad things happen to people but hope remains, and you're going to be used to love on these people during their moments of hopelessness.

I don't know if that made any sense, and I might have said the word 'sad' too much. But there you have it.

Here's my theme verse for the day:

John 12:25ish
Anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal. If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you’ll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment’s notice. 

I want to be reckless with my love, letting go of life as it is and awakening to the next chapter of my story. I desire to pursue the things that make me come alive in Christ, that capture my heart and imagination, that I was created to be. 

Love recklessly this week, my friends. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

why can't every day be a weekend

I seriously had the best weekend. Maybe not ever, because weekends in other places count for higher points.... but at least I squeezed the life out of every spare moment possible.
Friday night? See yesterday's post-- also, forgot to mention that the fair concluded with a UFO from Buritto Works. Quite possibly the most delicious things I ate this week. 

Saturday morning: Schmagels with the bestie and the pups

Oliver had the time of his life. Or maybe every time the dogs get to do something fun, it replaces whatever memory they possessed of the last fun day. 

O refuses to leave his mom's side when Diego is running rampant-- Diego's "game" is to plow right into/over Oliver in hopes that he'll chase him. Doesn't work. 

Saturday night= Indian/game night... apparently no pics. But it was a fantastic time, complete with dance parties, Catchphrase and lots of wine! *Note, Indian food WOULD have been the best thing I ate all week but I had to take a momentary siesta during dinner and the boys ate it all. LAME *

Sunday? Tour de Farms! Sure, I want to visit your farm to see how you run it. Yes, I'd like to pet your baby goat and stand on your tractor pretending to be cool. Tomato plant? Why not! What, you'd like me to sample your fresh veggies that you just picked yesterday? 

I took the good camera but have yet to upload any pictures. In fact, I never uploaded them from the canoe trip either. Goal for the week: upload pictures. 

"If we hold hands and touch the electric fence, will it travel to Erick?" 

Maybe the weekend was so incredible because we didn't drive to Jacksonville for any of the festivities. Note to self for next time-- buy a house somewhere closer to the general population.

Monday's ramblings complete- over and out. Going for a run since the weather decided to pretend like it's fall. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

We're too old for this

A carnival?! Heck yes. 

We saddled up and rode this one first-- it was extremely high, gut wrenching, and all around awesome. We thought, "We've still got this-- surely we're not too old," (despite being surrounded by 12 year olds and people with missing teeth.) 

Then we said, "Let's ride the Zipper! That used to be our favorites!" 
And it was all downhill from there-- the ride was awful-- like being perpetually stuck in a washing machine. Good thing we hadn't eaten anything. 

The verdict? We're too old for carnivals.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I'm exhausted.

Ive spent the last three days in a canoe.

Still processing the weekend.

No sure if the weekend is what i expected. I didn't really know what to expect, but i had a really great time. We arrived (all 40 of us) at the river around noon, helped unpack the canoes and all our crap, loaded it up, and took off. It was intriguing to watch how the women interacted so differently while on the river. Some were unsure of the water and the critters, hasd trouble navigating the obstacles i.e. logs all over the stinkin place, or thought it was a race and battled each other for the front spot.


I was dead last, with a partner in my group who is just. Like. Me. Meaning, every tree we thought looked cool, we pulled over to take a picture. If the group was all going to the left, we tackled the narrow point that would lead us under a low-lying tree. Snake in the branches? Forget it-- we were there in a heartbeat to check it out. She had said her husband prayed for all us women to be little girls on the river,and that we definitely were. Exploring and laughing our faces off when we got stuck on YET another log, jumping in to swim at the deepest points, pulling over constantly for a snack break because my partner brought 4 times the food that was necessary for a weekend... We were definitely little children that day without a care in the world.

We set up camp that night and I attempted sleeping in a hammock, which was okay despite the fact that I didn't put it high enough and had my butt resting on the ground, but I wasn't about to get out of that thing to fix it.

Day 2 was tougher-- I was the stronger paddler and had to guide my new partner most of the time, but we still had fun. It took a lot longer than expected, because the water was so low and trees were down every where. The majority of the time was spent dragging the canoes through the 6 inch water or hauling them over logs--We were pooped by the time we reached camp, didn't have much daylight left, and on top of all that- the cmp was full of "critters." spiders, Mosquitos, and two lovely water moccasins that the men had to come and chop their heads off. I don't mind the critters, but the general morale of the group was low at that point.

Day 3... Today was the easiest... I got to know my new partner, a girl at church I've always wanted to meet... We had a fun and relaxing time floating on the current and got out to help, led for a while... It was a lazy day. I'm pooped. I feel much better after actually showering and drinking an ice cold beer. And maybe it's good I'm alone to decompress and catch up on sleep. But I'll continue this story on a new post. Ready and go.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Last week was GLORIOUS. I spent the first half of the week floating around in the pool at the house Kristin was staying at. Think resort pool-- Michael stayed as well, and it truly felt like we were on a mini-vacation. Every day I was active in some capacity, but then the rest of the time was full of relaxing nothing-ness. Books were read, naps were taken, and plenty of outside time was in the mix. God knows I need my outside time to survive this life... even if it simply entails lounging at Starbucks after a stroll through the neighborhood.

The second half was in good ol' Melb with the fam. I haven't seen my parental units since Christmas, or eaten at Da Kines. And I sure do love my momma... (and Barney Bowls.)

Every day included pool time at the Checchia's. I so love playing with Diego in the pool--- he's nonstop the entire time we are home, then takes two days to recover once we've left the fun.

And I pretty much decided that I'm going to take up bird watching as a hobby.
I have no shame in making that proclamation.
Sandy hill cranes are my current favorite:

But herons are cool too. Especially when they're seeking dinner by moonlight.

This weekend I was struck by how stinkin' pretty Melbourne can be-- this weekend I was struck by the blessing of growing up in such a beautiful location. St. Augustine has nothing on Brevard County...

Easter was perfectly low-key. An uplifting (and chilly!) sunrise service at the park where Michael and I took wedding pictures, delicious breakfast, pool time and an amazing dinner. I've said it before, but I'll say it again-- I'm so blessed to have two sets of phenomenal parents!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

summer tease

Spring Break has arrived, and I am PUMPED for this week. 
Sadly, I won't be visiting Annie in Seattle as anticipated, but I'm looking forward to a restful week full of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 

The day was kicked off well... got in a run, put the laundry away, played Temple Run on the iPhone for a while... made some eggs and coffee... 
and ultimately I'm house-sitting at the most gorgeous house I've ever been in, so if you need me this afternoon I'll be floating and reading a book. 'Nuff said. 

I'll be doing this more, seeing as SBux is down the street from the Richhouse

i *ALMOST* convinced them to call in sick today after yesterday's fun...

I get to drive on the pretty road to get to the house...

And a random one-- Had to wait FOREVER at O'Steens!! But it was SO worth it...

Have to run, the pool is calling my name