Thursday, January 19, 2012

silly me

I locked the keys in the Exploder yesterday. It was one of those I'm-jumping-out-really-quickly-to-get-the-dry-cleaning-ohhhhhhh-i did-not-just-do-that moments. The ones where mid-shut you realize your blunder but alas, it's too late.  The door was open a smidgen, so I 'borrowed' a coat hanger from the dry cleaners and attempted to break in for half an hour. To no avail. 

Add another minor detail to the mix: the phone was also trapped inside the car. 

I refused to call/pay for a locksmith knowing I was only an hour away from Michael coming home. So I meandered over to Publix where I prayed to see someone I knew who wouldn't mind taking me to the house or back to work. And of course, there was no one. 

Tried calling Mike from Publix's phone; he didn't pick up. 

I finally gave up and after sitting on the bench outside for 15 minutes, resorted to walking the mile or so back to school. In the rain. 

As I exited the Publix parking lot, lo and behold, (cue angels singing and bright shafts of light,) this parent that I always happen to run into (it's a running joke now between the two of us) pulls up next to me and yells, "Get in the car!" (Apparently I was looking a bit distressed?) Mind you, this is the same mom who pulled over to see if I needed assistance when I was stranded on the side of the road with a dead alternator. 

I was crying and laughing and so filled with joy that it was her, because when I prayed earlier I threw in "And it wouldn't hurt to run into Grace's mom at Publix..." Seriously. What an answer to prayer... so trivial but it served as a pleasant reminder that we are loved by a God who cares about even the smallest of details. 

Happy Friday :) 


Hilary said...

What a day! Jeff has locked his keys in the car and the house many times and is very good at the coat hanger method. He is just a call away if there is ever a next time. PS I love Grace's mom too!

Amy Winter said...

wow what an afternoon! thank goodness for Grace's mom!

i pictured you walking home in the rain in my head and you looked like a sad puppy.

Rachel Ruth said...

Hil-- I locked the phone too and didn't know anyone's number! haha. Definitely going to start keeping emergency numbers in my purse. And Ames, that's EXACTLY how I felt!

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