I didn't the the weekend would EVER arrive.
My slothfulness and exhaustion might be attributed to the fact that I only had to work three days last week. I wasn't the only one that felt that way today, either.
Good, sweet Lord. The weekend has decided to grace us with its presence!
Here's what I apparently thought was exciting since the last post:
We bought Diego a new bed at Costco since his last one was infested with, erm, coughfleascough.
It's his favorite yet (speaking of favorite, his toy I mentioned last week broke already. He chewed through the rope. Laaaaame.)
A beautiful sunset while walking with the new maid, Leanna. She'll need to learn how to cook and clean as well as the previous one; we're working on her :) 

Lots of this. It's too tempting when I drive by one to go teach my homebound student.
Although the majority of the garden died from the frost, these hardy guys are going strong. I think they're collards, while the other plans is romaine lettuce. Forgot to label them.
And long, dramatic sigh: the time of year I complain about but secretly love best. "Solo and Ensemble" forces me to practice so that I can accompany the littles on their judged performances. I need to rendezvous with the band piano more often... it provides such sweet release.
Oh, was it foggy this week! Can't take this hot/cold indecisive weather we're having. Everyone is super sick (knock on wood!)
Cattails? Another discovery on our walk with Diego.
And that is all. I would have posted more, but just couldn't find the energy (or desire.)
Came to the realization this week that maybe next school year could be way different than this one. Or maybe I want to try something else out. All I know is that's something's gotta change.
Lots of prayer, lots of thinking to do. But I know God's got it under control :)
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