Monday, November 21, 2011

someone has a birthday!

Dear Michael,

How do I put into words what the anniversary of your birth means to me? Your birthday represents the life you've been given and the fact that I get to celebrate every year with you from here on out. You've been my best friend since senior year of high school, when life was fresh and new and we thought we'd never grow up...We'd sing, "We're gonna stay 18 forever, so we can live like this forever..." and hold hands exploring the empty streets of campus on warm summer nights. We snuck onto the football field for fondue and made frequent trips to the prairie for star-gazing, attempted skiing trips and first backpacking excursions.

You're always up for an adventure, and you don't mind that I'm always planning our next trip. I've loved being alongside you as you've taken on the role of an incredible husband who lives his life working diligently, gaining the respect of everyone around you but taking the time to enjoy living. It makes my heart happy to watch you love on Diego, because I catch mere glimpses of the amazing, devoted father you will be one day. Thank you for your love, grace, and the absolute joy you bring to my life.

I love you with my entire being, to the moon and back.


Oh, and enjoy the 'Royal Package' at the Art of Shaving and get rid of the 'stache already. 

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