Out of nowhere I found myself in a dark place last week. In the grand scheme of life, I'm absolutely certain that I will look back on this point of time and realize I had it made compared to the future challenges that will arise, but whew... it got to a point where I. was. miserable.
The thing was, I really couldn't pinpoint why I felt the way I did. I allowed a black pit of hopelessness consume me for a brief moment, catching a mere glimpse of what it's like to feel utterly and completely helpless. It was awful.
But it's a good thing I'm able to bounce back pretty quickly; I'm beyond blessed to have friends full of love, grace, and wisdom to pull me out of slumps. This year has provided quite the challenge with my faith... rather than sprinting after the Lord at neck-breaking speed when I need him the most, I'm more like a turtle attempting to cross I-95, believing I've reached the other side when it's only the median. And there's a barrier wall.
Anyways, the point of this post was to say that God is working on my heart, softening it just a bit, teaching me what it means to pray for a heart that is humble, transparent, and genuine. To fully understand to move along with the 'unforced rhythms of grace,' to 'recover my life' and to 'live freely and lightly.'
I honestly don't know how I could do this life without the hope of Christ.
Part of last week's desperate need for love + rest resulted in an impromptu park trip on a school night.
Diego was happy.
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