Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer's Joys #1- Afternoon Thunderstorms

Every season brings its own joys.Summer offers its own unique happy moments, despite feeling like you've crossed into a damp oven the moment you leave an airconditioned building. I'm pretty sure every time a new season comes around I claim it's my favorite... so intead of choosing just one to love the most I'll highlight all of the things that makes each one the best. Starting now.

We all know that living in Florida means that whatever we're doing in the afternoon will be interupted by a 20 minute storm. When I was little I played tennis all summer long from 9-3; it was a welcomed reprieve
to take off our shoes at the end of the day to frollick in the downpour!
 Our first major summer storm hit the other day, and another yesterday while hanging out at the pool with my friend's grandchildren. I laughed watching the kids entertain themselves while impatiently waiting for the 30-minute-wait-after-thunder rule of public pools. Oh to be 8 years old where the only important matter of the day is harrassing the poor lifeguards with "How many more minutes?!" 

That first storm was quite a season-opener; it did not disappoint.

The trees were blowing sideways-- note patio furniture knocked over and pillows strewn about the yard...
(Someone's trampoline down the street was picked up and thrown on top of their fence by the wind.)

Diego and I watched from the comfort of the couch as the storm ravaged the neighborhood.  

Well, I watched while Diego snoozed.

(What was that loud banging noise?)

It's the little things that make my heart happy.

1 comment:

WhatIsSharonDoingNow said...

I, too, love the summer afternoon thunderstorm....but where are they? I thought we got one the other day, but it was a little disappointing in my neighborhood (I hear it was better elsewhere) so I'm still waiting. I want a loud, lightning in your backyard, wind blowing the plants over, heavy rainfall! And then I want it to happen every day.

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