And recently, I've enjoyed being the one to tackle the grill (not that I'm about to take over Mike's duty as grill-master.) Sure, the chicken might have come out a little dry and the shrimp from today, slightly salty, but I'm learning.
Today I was proud of myself as I harvested the garden for the dinner's veggies. The tomatoes are TO DIE FOR. I'm hooked; I don't think I'll ever be able to buy store-bought tomatoes ever again. Maybe tomorrow I'll devote an entire post to the amazing-ness that is homegrown tomatoes. And with so many jalapenos, gotta do something with them... so why not stuff them with cream cheese and sick them on the grill for 45 minutes? (They were STILL too spicy for me after cooking that long...)
Annie kept me company out on the porch. Remember when I posted how tiny our neighbor's banana plant was? Now it's monstrous and I love it.
Although Diego's currently on a special diet to see if it's his food that's causing perpetual ear infections, I couldn't resist feeding him corn on the cob and laughing at how he instinctively knows how to eat the kernels like a human. Of course he tried to devour the entire thing when he was finished, but hey. Can't win 'em all.

Hopefully this post has inspired you to go have your own barbecue. Just don't forget to invite me... maybe I can convince Mike to make more cookies?
1 comment:
Your new layout lets your pictures get bigger, and I love it! The photos on your new camera are awesome. Love the coozie. And the Annie. Diego likes corn! That picture of him eating is hilarious. And thank you, Mike. I will be making those cookies.
We grilled out yesterday too. With corn. Yay.
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