Thursday, June 30, 2011

"I want to live so that I am
truly submitted to the Spirit's leading on a daily basis.
Christ said it is better for us that the Spirit came,
and I want to live like I know that is true.
I don't want to keep crawling like a caterpillar when
I have the ability to fly."

Francis Chan
Forgotten God

 I am about to embark on a journey, one that will challenge me to the core.
Something is missing and God knows what it is.
I'm not okay with the mediocrity that I wallow in.
I'm not okay that the majority of my life blends in with the rest of humanity.
I want my life to be different, to follow Christ with a passion and burning intensity
that welcomes the Holy Spirit to do his work through me. 

"Lord I give you my heart
I give you my soul
and I'll live for you alone
every breath that I take
every moment I'm awake
Lord have your way with me"


I have pretty great vision, practically 20/20. But when I read for long chunks of time, I get headaches and my eyes get sleepy. Didn't help that I've been going through these all day:

Yep, my life's pictures up until the invention of digital cameras. Why did I take so many 'sexy' pictures of myself? Why so many boys? Why so many obligatory dance pictures? 
That whole pile on the left got thrown away. If I haven't talked to you since high school, you got the boot. If I dated you and you're not Mike, you're trash now. Sorry.

Anyways, braved it through the storm to get to the eye doctor. Never before have I had to 'race' the rain like I had to do; I saw it coming down the road, picked up speed, and sprinted into the door as the fat drops started to fall.

The verdict? Reading glasses will help. So why not pick out fun ones? 
(Yes, the sides have blue on them. I just can' 
i love them. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i have a new obsession:

Yes, I admit it. And I'm not ashamed, either. 
There's something about dancing sexy to work out that makes it fun. And believe me, I'm a ridiculously sexy dancer. I was even able to get a picture of Annie and I today in class: 

Okay maybe not. And I'm definitely not a ridiculously sexy dancer. 
I'm pretty much the worst dancer on the face of the planet. But at Zumba I pretend I am Latina and I shake my butt for all it's worth. I don't even care when my students walk by and snicker at me through the window.

Because for that one hour, I have been transformed into Shakira. And I am a sexy beast.  

Monday, June 27, 2011

Diego has a BFF...

...and his name is Bandit. One mention of him and Diego goes INSANE. His ears perk up like Bandit's actually all of the sudden in the house, but then he realizes we're going to go see him and he pretty much starts doing backflips.

And yes, I realize that I take and post a ridiculous amount of pictures of my dog. But I would be doing the same thing if I had a human baby.

Hi, my name is Bandit

I'm not as fast as Diego cause my legs are shorter. When our moms throw sticks in the water, Diego let's me go after them first and then he pounces on me and takes it when I return to shore. I haven't figured out how to outsmart him yet. 

There's nothing wrong with making out. We are best friends, you know. 

Oh Diego. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SJ's #2- Barbecuing

      Oh how I love barbecues. I don't care if I'm hosting or attending, when the sun starts to set and the horrific heat dies down, I'm the first one to say 'yes' to being outside in a sundress with a cold brewski.
     And recently, I've enjoyed being the one to tackle the grill (not that I'm about to take over Mike's duty as grill-master.) Sure, the chicken might have come out a little dry and the shrimp from today, slightly salty, but I'm learning.
     Today I was proud of myself as I harvested the garden for the dinner's veggies. The tomatoes are TO DIE FOR. I'm hooked; I don't think I'll ever be able to buy store-bought tomatoes ever again. Maybe tomorrow I'll devote an entire post to the amazing-ness that is homegrown tomatoes. And with so many jalapenos, gotta do something with them... so why not stuff them with cream cheese and sick them on the grill for 45 minutes? (They were STILL too spicy for me after cooking that long...)

Annie kept me company out on the porch. Remember when I posted how tiny our neighbor's banana plant was? Now it's monstrous and I love it. 

Although Diego's currently on a special diet to see if it's his food that's causing perpetual ear infections, I couldn't resist feeding him corn on the cob and laughing at how he instinctively knows how to eat the kernels like a human. Of course he tried to devour the entire thing when he was finished, but hey. Can't win 'em all. 
While I hovered over the grill, Mike took on the challenge of baking Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. (Role reversal on our part was unintentional..) He had seen someone's pictures earlier that day on Facebook and immediately proclaimed he was going to make them later in the evening. I balked at the idea of eating a cookie stuffed within another cookie but holy cow, they were INCREDIBLE. You should pretty much make them immediately. No joke. He used this recipe and I pretty much died a little inside.

Hopefully this post has inspired you to go have your own barbecue. Just don't forget to invite me... maybe I can convince Mike to make more cookies?


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Guana River

Today we decided to play with Diego at Guana River. It was overcast and not too hot to be outside in the woods, although the skeeters were out in full force. 
One of the things I love to do the most is exploring with Mike & D and making the most out of "hiking" in Florida.

And since the 4th of July is the best holiday on the planet, I thought I'd celebrate all week long with a festive blog design. 

Summer's Joys #1- Afternoon Thunderstorms

Every season brings its own joys.Summer offers its own unique happy moments, despite feeling like you've crossed into a damp oven the moment you leave an airconditioned building. I'm pretty sure every time a new season comes around I claim it's my favorite... so intead of choosing just one to love the most I'll highlight all of the things that makes each one the best. Starting now.

We all know that living in Florida means that whatever we're doing in the afternoon will be interupted by a 20 minute storm. When I was little I played tennis all summer long from 9-3; it was a welcomed reprieve
to take off our shoes at the end of the day to frollick in the downpour!
 Our first major summer storm hit the other day, and another yesterday while hanging out at the pool with my friend's grandchildren. I laughed watching the kids entertain themselves while impatiently waiting for the 30-minute-wait-after-thunder rule of public pools. Oh to be 8 years old where the only important matter of the day is harrassing the poor lifeguards with "How many more minutes?!" 

That first storm was quite a season-opener; it did not disappoint.

The trees were blowing sideways-- note patio furniture knocked over and pillows strewn about the yard...
(Someone's trampoline down the street was picked up and thrown on top of their fence by the wind.)

Diego and I watched from the comfort of the couch as the storm ravaged the neighborhood.  

Well, I watched while Diego snoozed.

(What was that loud banging noise?)

It's the little things that make my heart happy.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday's Joys: 

My new beach cruiser, Calypso. There she is on the back of the car on her way to my house. If you know me, you'll know that I HATE putting bikes on the back of the car. Ever since I was little I've been terrified that they were going to fall off and impale the unfortunate driver behind us.  Still feel that way, actually, but have gotten over it a bit. 

These guys were waiting for me in the garden! Mmmmm.

And I couldn't get a close enough picture, but right there in the middle is a very regal caterpillar who decided to go to town on all the leaves. He had to be removed and fed to the birds for his crimes. 

best friend lovin'

It worked out perfectly that I could simultaneously go on the Callaway Vacay and see my BFF in Atl prior to the Dispatch concert. I've missed her tons lately so even though it was brief visit, it was lovely. 

We do a lot of front porch sitting when we're together...

And finally Paul came home from work! Oh Paul. 

(And a bottle of wine later, eating becomes a tricky challenge.)

Amy stole my camera while at the concert... I like this picture, Ames. Kinda like, sexy librarian. 

BTDubs, Dispatch concert was fantastic. Everyone was drunk and high and having a good time. They've always been the band that I wanted to see, except they broke up before I started listening to them. When I found out they were having a reunion tour I bought tickets as soon as they went on sale! (No pictures; it was outdoors and looked like it was going to rain..) 

i'm in love.

Oh camera how I've shamelessly coveted you for a while now. 

Now I can take lovely pictures of the things I love, like Diego.

And peppers. 

... I can't wait to take classes to learn how to really use you!

Callaway Vacay

This weekend we had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with my older sister and her family at their new house in Callaway Gardens. (Mike was even able to take time off to come!) It was relaxing and packed with fun activities. I love hanging out with my niece and nephews and sister and cherish the time spent together. 

Here's a slideshow of the favorites:

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

my secret favorite thing to do:

This morning I woke up early to get vaccinations for traveling to Asia. While waiting at the stoplight to go home, I saw my favorite store and decided to stop in for a bit, because hey, 
it's summer and I can do what I want. 
I love to peruse the shelves of B&N, hunting for books that one day I'll get around to reading. Now that I'm tracking my books through GoodReads I've gotten a little obsessed with scanning the barcodes of the books to add to my "want to read" list. Then I go online and reserve all the books at the library.

*On a side note, a skunk got run over right outside the house. The house smells absolutely lovely. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To be or not to be?

Usually by now I'd be going a little crazy. I've attempted to be productive, but then again, I haven't. Life can too easily become a long to-do list and with summer here, I find myself feeling guilty if I'm not actively accomplishing something. While I do recognize that this time is perfect for tackling projects that I've been meaning to get to since moving in, I think I'm going to put them off for just a little while longer.

I mean, the Italians know how to live life (according to Amy Webster & the author of Eat, Pray, Love.) They work hard, but they take the time to relax and eat. And who cares how long dinner lasts, as long as you're in good company?

We, on the other hand, move from activity to activity and feel guilty for sitting stagnant. But after this school year, a whole lot of nothingness is just what the doctor ordered.

So today, (after a vet appointment that cost $150-- eek!) I gardened. Then I took pictures of the garden (with my new camera!) I rode my bike to the "Bookmobile" with Diego, who desperately barked at me the whole time I was renewing my book. And scrapbooked, while watching "Gone With the Wind." I then read while running on the treadmill, vacuumed/swept the floors, and capped it all off with mowing the lawn.

In retrospect, I guess I was pretty productive. But at least I didn't have a to-do list dictating my day.

On that note, I think I'll go grab a beer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Official Day of Nothingness.

Today I Already Completed:
-Drove to Buddy Boys to get half&half for coffee
-Scheduled overdue dentist appointment for tomorrow
-Scheduled overdue vet appointment for Diego tomorrow
-Called Allstate for an insurance question

Today I Will Complete: 
- a ridiculous amount of cleaning
- an extra long run to cancel out food/beers from last night
- reading Jasmine Nights (which I love!) so I can take it to the Bookmobile on Wednesday

Tonight I have a lovely dinner to look forward to at the rich house again :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

oh summer how i've missed thee...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Over.

Summer Goals
1. Go to Zumba and run at least twice a week. 
2. Make delicious salsa out of the tomatoes and datil peppers from the garden.
3. Enlarge awesome pictures from Asia to replace lame hotel-art on walls.
4. Put things on the walls of the guest room, and get a frame so the bed doesn't sit on the floor anymore. 
5. Ride road bike at least 3 times. 
6. Find something to commit to at River City. 
7. Have sleepovers with Kristin.
8. Go for an extended backpacking weekend.
9. Recover kitchen chairs.
10. Read lots of books & keep up with GoodReads because I'm obsessed.
11. Write letters to people. 
12. Lay by the pool while working on #10. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of school. This year has been insane, yet I can't believe it is coming to an end. As it closes out we tend to get reflective and maybe a bit emotional as we bid farewell to our little ones for a short while, only to greet them again as transformed teenagers. Tomorrow will be especially hard, as I am saying goodbye to my first class ever. Those little people who stole my heart on that first day in the classroom have grown up a bit and are venturing into high school. They're at the beginning stages of their real life-journey and starting to choose the paths that will lead them towards adulthood.

I'm blessed to play a tiny role in their lives.

This week God rocked my world with encouraging words from different people.  He knew that lately I've been feeling kind of low and decided to use kind, loving words from my BFF and parents of students to whisper joy into my heart. And to top it all off, my OM kids spoke to the wonderful people at the church who generously donated a large amount of money to make our DC trip possible. I was bursting with pride as they took over the stage and captivated their audience with their middle school drama.

An elderly gentleman told me afterwards, "I was mostly entertained by you; after I figured out you weren't a student yourself, I could tell you're everyone's favorite teacher and the kids just LOVE you!"

He has no idea how much peace that gave me!

I'm can now say I'm ready to close this year out on a positive note; bring it on, summer.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Garden Update

It's absolutely out of control. At this point, I'm doing everything I can just to make sure they don't strangle each other. We're eating jalapenos in everything (which is fine with me!) and cucumbers with most dinners. The tomatoes have yet to turn red, although I did accidently knock a few off today, thus, creating an opportunity to try fried green tomatoes for the first time.

The cukes are also struggling with a fungus/bug problemo, although I sprayed stuff on them to no avail. I'll have to make a trip to the nursery today with dead leaves and beg them to lend me a hand. 

Note to future self-- grow LESS and more of a variety, and forget about the cukes-- too crazy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday night confessions:

1. I have never had a problem with staying in on a Friday night by myself. (Like I'm doing now.) In fact, I prefer it.

2. I hate upsetting people and will break down in tears in the face of confrontation.

3. I don't brush my teeth in the mornings (there, I said it!) and didn't realize this was gross until I admitted it to my teacher friends and was met with disgusted looks instead of "Oh, me too!"

4. I wish I lived in my grandparent's generation, 'cause life is getting too complicated.

5. I'm messy. But I wish I wasn't for Mike's sake.

6. I didn't set up my school voicemail until a month ago. Oops.

7. I fear we'll be stuck in St. Augustine for the rest of our lives.

8. I want to move out of America.

9. But I'd miss my family too much.

10. I fear I'm not living the life that God intends for me.

11. I fear being overweight and not being able to dig myself out of it.

12. I fear for my future babies' teenage years and want to raise them in a remote woodsy area, (if there are any trees left.)

13. I'm feeling lonely as I write this, so I'm going to stop and go read a book with a glass of wine in the tub.

And here is a picture from my day, sadly, the only lame picture that I took while at Universal with some wonderfully awesome people:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I can't even begin to describe how thrilled I was to be able to take our OM team to Worlds. It was such a joy to witness and be a part of the kids' experience... interacting with the other thousands of students from all over the world, pin trading, some being away from their parents for the first time, sleeping in a dorm (REAL college life?!) watching them perform the skit they've worked so hard on for MONTHS, spending the money they raised to get there, seeing a city/DC for the first time...

The highlights were running through the Natural History museum with the girls and being totally engrossed in the exhibits, hearing, "We totally learned this in science! It all makes sense now!" and running around the campus together creating inside jokes and nonstop giggling.

The founder of OM said to the thousands of kids in that arena that they are the future of our world and that it's imperative to one day give back to future generations in the same way the coaches have created the opportunity for them (which resonated deep in my heart.)

He's totally right :)

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