Friday, March 25, 2011

a day in the life

After a bit of a rough morning (see yesterday's post) I had to buck up and prepare for the epic errands that needed to be done. One thing you may not know about me is that I LOVE running errands. And while I enjoy company from time to time, sometimes I prefer to go solo because then it's okay if I get sidetracked. Take today, for example. My task was to get decorations for Amy's bachelorette, cotton balls & ibuprofen at Walmart, and a little-black-dress plus spanks to squeeze everything together. I might have come home with lots of added bonuses...

I knew it was going to be a great day because I had a fantastic turnaround after waking up at 4 with an enormous headache which prompted me to get rid of the contents in my stomach and run a bath where I proceeded to fall asleep in the warm water. I woke up a couple hours later a new person and celebrated with a delicious breakfast on the porch. 
Then on my way downtown I saw this:
which made me smile, especially because it had a sign on the back that said, "Model T owners on a drive from Canada." and things about Canada make me laugh. Then "Here Comes the Sun" came on the radio, which was totally my theme song yesterday! At Ross I found a new bed for Diego (which I think he approves:)
And to connect back to the point of this post, which is that I love getting sidetracked while running errands.... this bed is NOT what I went to Ross for.  Oops.
Then while on my way to JCPennys for little-black-dress and some spanks I stumbled across this little no-name used bookstore in the middle of a ghetto empty mall:
... and came out with a box of middle school novels, all for only $5! I will definitely be returning. 
At this point I needed a snack, even though my errand-running was only supposed to take a couple hours. So I stopped at Panera for some black bean soup and iced coffee, and got distracted reading outside for about an hour. 
Last stop (I thought) was Walmart which I always swear I will never return and somehow I always end up there amongst the mullets and screaming babies. So another thing I love about running errands by myself is that I can take as much time as I want to contemplate my purchases. Sometimes I take forever to make a decision. This one was a toughie:
to buy for Annie, or not to buy for Annie? 
Not this time, but i think I'll go back for it. 
On the way home stopped at the Party Store, Marshalls, and finally, Target. 
Epic Errands day completed.
Tired, cranky, and passing up on a fun night out. 

No matter what bed I get him, right next to me is the preferred spot :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate! I take forever too and so would rather be alone to contemplate my decisions. I still remember one of my roommates in college telling me at the grocery store that she'd never seen somebody take so long to pick out a can green beans. I just wanted to compare ingredients labels, nutrition facts and prices ;)

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