I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise, but I really like getting dirty. I've never minded mowing the lawn or weeding and maybe secretly enjoy it. The only thing keeping me from doing it all the time are the other chores that I can't stand to do, like laundry and dishes. But send me out into the yard and I can work until the sun goes down.

Take today, for example. After lamenting with my neighbors over the state of our yard, I decided that work needed to be done NOW or we'd be kicked out of the neighborhood. Being young and new home owners we have no clue how to take care of a yard, so our neighbors are always giving us advice ("Would you weed your yard already? You look like white trash!") For some reason, our grass decided to DIE this winter. We fertilized and prayed to the lawn gods for a strong return to no avail-- next step? Planting 'plugs' and re-sodding. Mike and I thought, "Piece of cake," and I was sent to Home Depot this morning with a long list. Along with the sod, Mike suggested I get supplies for the garden box I've dreamed of for a couple of years now. Yes, please!

3 hours later (because for some reason it takes me triple the amount of any normal human being to make my way through Home Depot) the truck was loaded with 20 squares and 36 plugs of grass, 10 bags of dirt, 2x4s, new gardening gloves and other random things. We got right to work as soon as I got home; there's nothing I love more than working alongside my hubby to complete a task. Mike built the garden box and I 'plugged' the yard up. No easy task, but not too bad.

Then came time to dig a hole and lay down the sod. We had planned on doing the whole yard today, but do you have any freakin' idea how hard it is to pull up grass and lay down sod? We didn't! It was ridiculous. All we could do was look at each other an laugh at how exhausted we were. All we managed was a 6x3 area, not the whole yard like we thought. Epic fail. Now we're left with tons of grass-- I guess I'll have to do it after work this week? Praise the Lord for extra daylight.
And now that my garden bed is finished I'll have to actually plant something in it! SOO excited!!
Rachel... this is Casey from UUMC back in Gainesville :) I've been reading your blog for a while now and just wanted to say hey! We are going through the same thing with our crappy yard right now... except for our neighbors are building a lanai and had a brick truck come through our yard. On a rainy day. Yard = mud. So now, instead of US re-sodding, our neighbors have to do it. Woo hoo!
Oh... and James says hi, too :)
Casey! So good to hear from you-- glad you're doing well! :)
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