Monday, January 3, 2011

A Picture-A-Day, #s 2&3

Day #2-- "Lunch date with my loves"
... mmmm barbecue chicken pizza.....

Day #3-- "Mmmm Kale"
.... I've been eating it EVERY DAY as an afternoon snack. It pretty much made my whole life when it was BOGO at Publix the other day. I drizzle olive oil over it, bake @ 350 for 12 minutes, then douse with Tony Cs (and the best part is licking my fingers and eating the salt off the pan afterwards... don't tell my mom I still have this habit or she'll disown me or make me read an etiquette book again.)

is it bad both these pictures have to do with food? I love to eat. Maybe I should add "Not being so obsessed with food" to my resolutions, too. 

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