I'm super content today. In the past couple of weeks I've been stressed and overwhelmed with everything going on with school and Wyldlife... but after being @ camp this weekend, I'm so full of peace and His overflowing love that I'm okay with life. I know He's got it under control and that life isn't about freaking out over every little thing.
It's about other things, like:
- quiet time with the Lord before school
- taking Diego to the dog park
- throwing a football with Mike
- 'kidnapping' your 2nd and 5th grade neighbors to sneak them cinnamon rolls before dinner and playing a game of Twister
- watching all my favorite TV shows that are starting this week (like HOUSE and GLEE and MODERN FAMILY!!!)
- listening to Drew Holcomb and blogging
- Skyping with my sister and best friend who are both across the world
- being asked to be a "Matron of Honor" (even though that makes me seem like a grandma)
- getting a letter from student asking for help with a life situation because the book we're reading in class gave her the courage to speak up
- catching up with a coworker who was gracious enough to drive me to work because I left my keys in Mike's car
- enjoying a new favorite beer (Terrapin?)
- being offered 2 Gator tickets for the Kentucky game this weekend!
- having no shame over being excited about my birthday in two weeks
-trying a new recipe and hoping it'll be AWESOME
- being able to make split pea soup, cause it's kinda fall...
Autumn = Time to plan a backpacking trip!!
and it's only TUESDAY!!
Sounds like you're in an awesome state of mind!
so glad that you're MY matron.
please make me split pea soup sometime.
Backpacking? Yes Please!
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