Friday, September 17, 2010

Going to CAMP!

Wasn't I just THERE? It doesn't seem like it was over two months ago already! Not gonna lie, I still had stuff in my truck that I NEVER UNPACKED from the last time I was there. Oops. Shows you how much of a slob I can be at times...

Excited for what I hope will be a rejuvenating, fun-filled weekend with some of my favorite people on the face of the planet. Jesus included. Gotta quit procrastinating and need to finish packing! Have I ever mentioned I HATE to pack? Booooooring.

Random tangent of the day: The other day I was looking through pictures of when I was a counselor at Confrontation Point Ministries which at the time was in Crossville, Tennessee. That summer God completely rocked my world and truly taught me what it meant to draw near to him with a core community of believers... and to depend solely on Him to get me through life. He challenged me in so many ways; the people and memories he put in my life at that time will remain in my heart forever.

I'm thinkin' that 'Hick Dodgeball' needs to be introduced to Wyldlife...

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