Friday brought a much-anticipated english meetup at a rooftop bar decked out like South Beach. We grabbed sausages at the still-happening "Fressgasse Fest" close to our home, then walked up to building that housed the 'Long Island Summer Lounge.'
You enter a parking garage (?)
"Are we in the right place? Follow those other young, well-dressed people!" And when you've taken the elevator to the top floor, a red carpet greets you up a once-car ramp, where you pay a cover and enter a rooftop wonder greeting you with a view of the entire skyline. Mini-pools dotted the place where the locals dipped their feet, giddy that the longest winter of all time has finally concluded.
We can now enjoy rooftop lounges; summer has officially arrived in Frankfurt!
Saturday's mission: Seek the best-lookin' bike in the city for the greatest value. Easy, right? Ready, and go.
Welcome to the Saturday morning flea market, which boasts blocks of thrift-store junk. A hipster's paradise, if you will. Not exactly Michael's cup of tea; I'll save this treasure-hunt for Annie's impending visit.
Bike's were sought but all was futile. Either we were there too late for the good deals, or Europe's idea of a 'used bike' will always include a hefty price tag of 300 euros. I'm convinced all the bikes were stolen anyways, since the people selling them were pretty sketchy. The search continues.
I don't remember the rest of the day, but I know it included a lot of walking around as we tried to find bike stores. And ice-cream-- I've succumbed to the Germany way. Germans always have a cone in hand, no matter what the weather is outside.
Sunday greeted us with the promise of a thunderstorm (there's thunder and lightning here?!) and a failed attempt to check out a church (we forget that "it takes a half hour on the subway to get there" also has to account for the 10 minute walk to the station and the 15 minute way for the train to get there, if you just missed the previous one. oops.) We schlepped around for a while at home then got a little stir-crazy, so when the rain let up, we ventured outside.
With no destination in mind, (and the knowledge that the city shuts down on Sundays,) we just started walking. Which turned into, "Want to get on a subway and see where it goes?" 20 minutes later we were at a mall in the 'burbs. Even though it was technically closed, there were still a good amount of people there, window shopping, roller blading, eating at McDonald's which was conveniently open. It was strange.
Later that night we ate greasy cheeseburgers and went to see "The Great Gatsby" at the english theater. I was excited that your ticket purchase includes an assigned seat.
Ended the night with Yoda at our new-favorite hangout in the park.
I quite enjoyed the "no-plan" plan that the weekend brought about as we get to know our new home. Time for a day-trip, though--I'll spend today planning that!
Happy Wednesday, friends.
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